through movement,-which property does not belong to time (cf commentary on 48) and the material components, (i.e. ultimate atoms), since these do not possess (several) infinitesimal-spacial-units; or to soul, since this possesses, except in the case of samudghata, only an “innumerable” (asamkheya) (the soul contains “innumerable pradeshas”, cf. next gatha) portion of the universe; or to space, since there is no fluctuation of the limit of the universe and the beyond; nor to adharma, since this is cause of an opposite effect-proves dharma.
Similarly, the fact of causing at one moment, as far as the universe reaches, the rest of all souls and material-components, which are evolving through rest-which property does not belong to time and the material-components, since these do not possess (several infinitesimal-spacial-units; or to soul, since this possesses, except in the case of samudghata, only an “innumerable” portion of the universe; or to space, since this is independent of the limit between the universe and the beyond; or to dharma, since this is cause of an opposite effectproves adharma.
Similarly, the fact of causing all other substances without exception to occur in moments according to their modifications,which property does not belong by nature to these (other substances), since the occurrence characterized by moments must be effected by another cause-proves time.
Similarly, the evolution through consciousness,which evolution does not belong to any of the other substances, since they are insentient-proves soul.
Thus the differentiation of substances may be known by the differentiation of the qualities (cf. Amrtachandra's introductory remark to PS 130).
Now he teaches the differentiation of the substances with reference to their possessing or not possessing (several) infinitesimal-spacialunits:
11.43. Jivas, material-aggregates, dharma, adharma and space possess innumerable space-points or infinitesimal-spacial-units; but time has no space-points. (135/1)
Souls, matter, dharma, adharma and space are possessed of infinitesimal-spacial-units (pradeshas); for they contain several pradeshas. The time-atom (kalanu), however, is devoid of pradeshas, for it is only a (single) pradesha.