Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
cannot go or move (even for a'moment). N.S. B reads fracas, which perhaps stands for जीविज्जइ = जोविज्जइ = जीयते. It is possible that the original reading was 57-'he without whom one cannot goi.e. do or carry on (even for a moment)'. Cf. Marathi 77891 aparat ziet ar atsio agluwas 36774, io appeased or conciliated. Weber (1881), p. 58, compares HS. VIII.4.343 : Afiqements 1573 Fa fìs, at šaure-2955 fomu n atau af hou jot
558) you aon etc. This stanza is addressed by the Nāyikā to the goat or procuress. Fanoute = fatta. 950 = (aqua). .HS. VIII.4.173 gives quant as a treia for var to ooze, to trickle, to flow. Cf. Marathi Rü. Cf. st. 422.
559) This stanza describes the behaviour of shrewd, clever people and should really belong to the section on žą or Roare(No. 30 : 399531). See remarks on st. 546. Cogeal is explained by the commentator as Ighiu, kind, soft, sensitive. This deši word appears to be connected with the word of which is recorded in DNM VII1.74, in the sense of aigai (curiosity or eagerness), and in PLNM 827, in the sense of cati (haste, hurry). It is found used in Hāla 21, and the commentator Gamgadhara explains it by FETT
214. It also occurs in Weber 780. Cf. Marathi gazzo(to tremble or flutter in excitement, to be thrown into mental flurry) and Rogo. In our stanza the word gaat is used as an adjective qualifying at in the sense "kind, soft, sentimental, sensitive". GREBU appears to be connected with the 9191237 for vee, and with the Präkrit root , to move, to shake, to be shaky. The Präkrit root so too appears to be connected with a (F). See note on sc. 509. Cf. the word 79104 in st. 320, and note on the same. Perhaps the original foim of the word bepaal was ezz'mental. ly unsteady or excited, thrown into mental flurry' and later on both the as lost their cerebral element and were changed to a दलहलया perhaps represents the transitional stage. नेहपुरियसरीरा whose bodies (i.e. minds) are overflowing with (a show of) affection. ifran (1) who have achieved their object or purpose, (2) mustard grains. HEREW (1) devoid of affection, (2) separated from oil, from which oil has been removed or extracted. adigla (1) turn wicked, (2) turn into oilless, dry.cakes,
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