Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF The Šanti is not mentioned in the beginning; but at the end the Colophon runs thus-इति वज्रसूच्याथर्वणवेदे वज्रसूची समाप्ता ।।
No 782. वज्रसूच्युपनिषत्.
VAJRASŪCYUPANISAD. Pages, 3. Lines, 7 on a page.
Begins on fol. 120a of the Ms. described under No. 365. Complete. Neither the Santi-patha. nor the colophon is given.
No. 783. वराहोपनिषत्.
VARĀHÕPANIŞAD. Pages, 30. Lines, 22 on a page.
Begins on fol. 163a of the MS, described under No. 246. Complete.
This Upanişad, after explaining the primary principles, as consisting of 24, 36 or 96 Tattvas, according as they are considered more or less comprehensively, describes the characteristics of one who is fit to learn the Brahma-Vidya ; it emphasises the difficulty which is necessarily found in association with the inadequate language of man, when it is used in describing the nature of the highest knowledge about the Brahman; and it concludes with a discourse on the value and purpose of Yoga. Beginning:
सह नाववत्विति शान्तिः ।
अथ कुहुर्वै महामुनिर्देवमानेन द्वादशवत्सरं तपश्चचार । तदासने वराहरूपी भगवान् प्रादुरभूत् । स होवाचोत्तिष्ठोत्तिष्ठ वरं वृणीष्वेति । स उदतिष्ठत् । तस्मै नमस्कृत्योवाच भगवान् . . .
कामिभिर्यत्कामितं तत्तत्त्वत्सकाशात्स्वमेऽपि समस्तवेदशास्त्रेतिहासपुराणानि समस्तविद्याजालानि ब्रह्मादयस्सुरास्सर्वे त्वद्रूपज्ञाना मुक्तिमाहुरतस्त्वद्रूपप्रतिपादिकां ब्रह्मविद्यां बहीति होवाच ॥
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