Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
afya: Pt. 1; 44 74414 Ku. 6. 3; Me. 22; Amaru. 12, 39, 50, 73; Pt. 1. - Scarcely, hardly;
ufa Maasinatesti: Hara Mal. 2.9.-Comp. : an inquisit ve person. - ind. in what manner, how; * Ear Helaftafa Si. 2.52; * yotti Sk; N. 17. 126. AISETTE Tartela parit Siva. B. 15. 17. -TATUT a. of what measure. - : what state. - . 1 how being. --2 of what nature or kind (oft. used by commentators ).- T . of what shape. -afrua. of what power; Rām. 3.
Far What sort or manner. -2 Inquiry, question, demand.
I. + A . (a ) To be confounded or confused, to suffer mentally. -II. 1 A. ( d) also 1 P. 1 To cry, to weep or shed tears. -2 To grieve. -3 To call. -4 To kill or hurt; see .
ETH 1 Slaughter, la voc, destruction; area T419 zeitai HET Mb. 1. 2. 351; 3. 178. 2; U.5. 10. -2 War. -3 Sin.
ind. [42-49 ] Ved. A particle of interrogation, 'where'. This particle which is it substitute for the word is often used as the first member of a comp. and expresses the senses of badness, littleness, deterioration, uselessness, defectivenoss Co. of anything; 1427% CI: H 418: Bhay. 7. 5. 28. -Comp. -TTTH 1 a bad lettor. - 2 bad writing. -38: a little fire. -अध्वन् a bad road. -अन्नम् bad food. -अपत्यम् a bad child, bad posterity. -37217: a bad habit or custom. - a. 1 useless, urmeaniny. -2 having what purpose or aim 724 31 29 Ry. 10. 22. 6. (-:) : useless thing. T H , -AT troubling, tormenting, torture. -Tara Dou. 1. 1 to despise, slight. -2 to trouble, torment;
a raft anzCerita: Bh. 3. 100; N. 8.75.-3ifra a. 1 (lespised, disdained, slighted : retarza f t T qu: YAH Bh. 2. 106. -2 tormented, teased : 311: atsHwara area : U. 5. -3 insignificant, mean. --4 bad, vile. - 8. U to disdain, despise. -37 4. 1 despised, disdained. : TRITT: Ki. 3. 47. -2 rendered uscloss and unavailing. - 4. 1 avaricious, miserly. -2 little, insignificant, inean. -3 bad, disagreeable; 57749 7 7 494: Ch. Up. 5. 11. 1. 2314
Rām. 2. 13. 17. (-:) a niser: Bhag. 11. 23. 6. Ms. 1. 210, 221; Y. 1. 161. PIT, 197 1 avarice. -2 insignificance. -3 badness. Ora: avarice, stinginess. -379a: a bad horse. -3711 a. deformed, ugly. -TIETH A medicinal plant (Fe). -12 a. following evil practices, wicked, depraved. (- ) bad conduct. T 44 1 bad organ of sense; aff a 12 Bhāg. 8. 3. 28.-30: a bad camel. -EOT ( also com a. 1 tepid, lukewarm ; quo yrafar Bk. 3. 17.-2 Harsh, sharp (as a
word); f i EFSUTHAITH N. 9. 38. (-60 ) lukewarmness. -TUT 1 a fragrant grass. - 2 the plant FitFl. -124 an intoxicating drink, wine. -om. (pl.) three inferior articles. T4: a bad chariot or carriage; 1 4399514 243 SH Bk. 5. 103. -ae . 1 speaking ill or inaccurately or indistinctly; 49 Td 19219
4 Bk. 6.75; faz atana 24: Si. 14. 1. -2 vile, contemptible.
a. 1 Giving water. -2 Giving happiness. - A cloud.
* A canopy, awning. कदनम् See under कद्.
tat: - 79#:[*TU 37727 Ty. ] 1 A kind of tree [ Stephegyne Parviflora Korth] (said to put forth buds at the roaring of thunder-clouds ); T49HE: Fra: U. 3. 20, 42; Mal. 3. 7; Me. 25; R. 12. 99;
har F-F2511-45--1917 Rs. 3. 13. The tree is common throughout India except in Konkan. Its fruit is hard and inedible. -2 A kind of grass. -3 Turmeric.-4 The mustard-seed plant. -5 A particular mineral substance.-6 Dust.-7 Fragrance; cf. Fa: fe 19 ast a z
... Nm. - N. of a plant (a ). $.6; U. 5. 18. -474 A multitude. - 1 A multitude, group; 31219621 G 144844
21 S. 2. 6. -2 The flower of the Kadamba tree; पृथकदम्बकदम्बकराजितम् Ki.5.9. -3 A kind of grass ( als). -Comp. 3 : 1 a fragrant breeze (charged with the odour of Kadamba flowers ); à
afhaag #2: : Fallat: K. P. 1.-2 Antumn ( d); 5€ za
Ki. 1. 24. -
see under न्याय. -पुष्पा , -5पी plant the Howers of which l'esemble those of Kadan bs. 2 C H (in Astro.) The polar circle of the ecliptic. - A kind of amorous play; Vatsya. -ary: fragrant breeze; = a.
ig: The mustard soud plant. FIET: 1 A saw. -2 An iron goal for driving on clephant. -3 N. of a tree sometimes substituted for Khudira as a sacrificial post. Ti, -TH A corn, a callosity of the feet caused by external friction. T coagulated milk.
3:, *3#: The plantain true; 56 net: 20 03 Amaru. 95. - N. of several plants:gf, ferrauf, and . 1 The plantain tree: f
Tazara HIT Mk. 1. 20; RF: *7. **
Me.98, 79); Ku. 1. 36; R. 12. 96; Y. 3.8. -2 A kind of deer. -3 A flag carried by an elephant. -4 A flag or banner; कदली वैजयन्त्यां च रम्भायां च मृगेऽपि च Nm. -Comp. -(ली) कुसुमम् the flower of the कदली plant. af 1 A sort of cucumber (Mar. 4895). -2 A fine woman. - THT: the pith of the plantain.
3,- Ft: a kind of illusion.
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