Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
1 Turmeric. -2 Yellow saunders; cf. दारुहरिद्रा; नीलोत्पलशीरकटंकटेरी Susr.
The roof (or thatch) of a house. कटफलः A bribe; उत्कोचेऽस्त्री कटफल: Nm.
An arrow.
1 A kind of musical instrument. -2
कटा (ठा ) कुः A bird.
22: N. of Siva.
ER 1 A libidinous man, a lecher. -2 A citizen. कटारिका A Small dagger ( Mar. कट्यार ); गुप्तामात्मकटारिकां तदुदरे गाढं निखाय स्वयम् Siva. B. 20.64.
कटाहः [ कटमाहन्ति, आ-हन्-ड Iv. ] 1 A frying-pan, a shallow boiler for oil or butter (of a semispheriodal shape and furnished with handles; Mar.); da तस्मिन्निनदोऽतिभीषणो बभूव येनाण्डकटाहमस्फुरत् Bhāg. 7.8.16. -2 A turtle's shell. -3 A well. -4 A hill or mound of
earth. 5 A fragment of a broken jar; 'कटाहः खर्परस्तूप:' इति वैजयन्ती; यद्दन्तिनः कटकटाहतटान्मिमक्षोः Si. 5. 37; N. 22.32.6 A winnowing basket. -7 Hell, the infernal regions. -8 A young female buffalo whose horns are ust appearing. -9 A Dvipa or division of a known continent. -10 A heap or pile.
कटाहकम् A pans pot.
कटिः, -टी / [ कटू-इन् ] 1 The hip. -2 The buttocks (considered by rhetoricians as vulgar and colloquial in those senses; the word कटि in कटिस्ते हरते मनः is said to be .) -3 An elephant's cheek. - Long pepper. -Comp. A kind of leprosy. : the hollow atbove the hip, the loins. - तटम् the loins; कटीतटनिवेशितम् Mk. 1. 27. H 1 a cloth girt round the loins. -2 a zone, girdle; fai Bhag 6. 16. 30.--8 an ornament of small bells worn round the loins. -4 an armour of the hip or the loins.: the loins. -(f or ): the buttocks. - a woman's zone or girdle. the rider of an elephant (who sits upon the hinder parts of the elephant as distinct from the driver). the loins. Sciatic pain. Ta girdle furnished with small bells. zone or waistband.
कटिका The hips गुह्यं तु फाल्गुनी विद्यात्कृत्तिका कटिकास्तथा Mb. 13. 110. 4.
fem. An elephant.
fe: A kind of gourd.
A species of the Balsam apple.
ata: A crooked sword.
T, TH 1 A cave, hollow. -2 The cavity of the loins, THA hip.
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
कटीरकम् The posteriors, hips; व्यचलन्विशकटकटीरकस्थली Si. 13. 31.
कटु - (or fr.) 1 Pungent, acrid; (said of a rasa or flavour; the rasas are six ; मधुर, कटु, अम्ल, तिक्त, कषाय, and लवण ); कटूवम्ललवणात्युष्णतीक्ष्णरूक्षविदाहिनः । आहारा Bg. 17.9.-2 Fragrant, exhaling strong odour; 4 R.5. 18. -3 Ill-smelling, having a bad smell. -4(a) Bittor. This sense is found given to the words and in Prakrit and later Banskrit works; cf. अतिकटुः कारवेल्लादिः अनितीक्ष्णो मरिचादिः; अमृततरङ्गिणी on Bg.17.9, नीलकण्ठ gives the same sonse. 5 caustic (words); Y. 3. 142. (b) Disagreeable, unplea sant; fàag: R. 6. 85. -6 Envious. -7 Hot, impetuous. - 1 Pungency, acerbity (one of the six flavours). -2 N. of several plants. . A medical plant (f). - n. 1 An improper action. -2 Blaming, reviling, scandal. Comp. - 1 the
tree (Mar. 2). 2 N. of the king Dilipa. - उत्कटम् singer. उदरी N. of a plant (Mar. वाघाटी). ,1 ginger, the fresh root or the plant. -2 garlic. -कीटः, -कीटक: guat, mosquito. -काण: the टिट्टिभ bird. -ग्रन्थिः, -थि . dried ginger; so भङ्गः, भद्रम् dried ginger or ginger, galaxy an aggregate of four pungent substances, as of cardamoms, the bark and leaves of Laurus Cassia and of black pepper. -छदः the तगर tree. ज . prepared from acid substan ces. - तिक्तकः 1 the भूनिंब tree. -2 the शण tree. - तिक्ता= कटुतुम्बी तुम्बी kind of bitter gourd तेल White mustard; अभ्यङ्गः कटु तैलेन निर्वातस्थानबन्धनम् । śālihotra of Bhoja 260. Ha compound substance of ginger, black and long pepper. -दला = कर्कटी plant. -निष्प्लाव: grain not inundated (Mar. 1). - 1 N. of a medicinal plant (Mar. fast). -2 fa tree. - पत्रिका N. of a tree कारी. -पाक, पाकिन् a producing acid humors in digestion. - sort of cucumber. ( - ला ) N. of two plants, पटोल and श्रीवडी -वीजा long pepper. -भङ्गः -भद्रः Dry ginger. -मञ्जरिका the अपामार्ग tree. -मोदम् a certain porfume. -रव 4. having a harsh sound. (-) 1 a frog. -2 a harsh word or sound. -रोहिणी the कटुकी plant. -विपाक . producing acid humors in digestion: the mustard seed plant.
कटुक . 1 Sharp, pungent; मधुरो गुडः कटुकं शृङ्गवेरम् Mbh. on P. II. 1. 1. -2 Impetuous, hot; Rv. 10. 85. 34. 3 Disagreeable, unpleasant. -4 Fierce. संप्रहारस्तुमुलः कटुकः शोणितोदक: Mb. 6. 70. 12. - Harsh; यदा ह्यस्य गिरो रुक्षाः श्रुणोमि कटुकादयाः Mb. 19. 1. 40. कः 1 Pungency, acerbity. -2 N. of several plants:-1, सुगन्धितृण, कुटज, अर्क, राजसर्षप का N. of several plants:कटुरोहिणी, ताम्ली राजिका, निकाला, कीकटुरोहिणी कम् 1 Pungency; (at the end of comp. in a bad sense; as a bad curds'). -2 A compound of ginger, black and long pepper. -8 unpleasant works, speech;
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