Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
3951T a. Inferior to the brave; 399 ta Bk. 8. 87.
3977, 39 TITUH Drying up, withering; 11रक्षोमयं तोयमुपशोषं नयिष्यति Ram. 5. 37. 18.
3T2 . Covering, anything thrown above or upon.
398 5 P. (1. P.also) 1 To hear, listen; 219 119FATTET 2169: 1944 Ay. 12. 4. 27; & paura: 491901 34T417 Ch. Up. 4. 1. 5. 97, ft: &c. - To promise.
TITm. A sacritice. gryfa . 1 Teard; athras agarza +144 1249124717: Bhāy. 1. 15. 23. -2 Promised, agreed.
sofa: /. 1 lloaring, listening.-2 Range of hearing.-3 A supernatural voice heard at night, and personified as a nocturnal deity revealing the futuro; नक्तं निर्गत्य यत्किंचिच्छुभाशुभकरं वचः । श्रूयते तद्विदुर्धारा देवप्रश्नमुप
fall Härávali; if : age of K. 65. -4 Aspect of the stars, fortune-telling. -5 Promiso, assunt. -6 Rumour, report ; la gent a
Mb.5.30.5.-7 Inclusion, incorporation (37419 ); 241 T quat geratura: 9 Mb. 12. 61. 6. -8 N. of a deity; a ana 1981 ao ar dar araruang Mb. 12. 312. 48.
उपश्रोतृ . Listening, hearing; उपश्रोता म ईवतो वचांसि Rv. 7. 23.1.
JE 4 P. 1 To embrace. -2 To draw near, approach. -Caus. To bring near, place at hund; 3499 794 V.1; -14 V. 5. ET JE . Placod ncar, contiguous, adjoining.
39 :, - TUTH 1 Juxta-position, contact. -2 An em brace.
उपश्लोक: N. of the father of the tenth Manu; दशमो aaari t H17 Bhāg. 8. 13. 21.
597 7fa Den. P. (P. III. 1. 25. ] To extol or praise in verses; HT17492:
1932: Mu. 4. 39a8 a. Ved. Sounding, roaring; - Breeze, draught of air; 3994 au sia 4 Av. 11. 1. 12. TOATE a. Strengthening. 347***
ST Sān. K. 13. 399T ind. Ved. (Ready ) At one's call.
#Ta a. Closely joined, wedged in; Suár.
ÉTA: 1 Curbing, restraining, binding. -2 The end of the world, universal destruction; af faa
1 IT S21911 Bhāg. 3. 19. 17.
JTETRAH Binding. -2 A means of fastening together.
39 : A secondary connection; modification; ATE : FATTOFT: Nir.
T IE: Growing together or over, cicatrizing; 3762#TITATI: Susr.
TAIT: An agreement, a contract. JESUTH An under garment; 33 afegiteForü: P. I. 1. 36.
TEZ P. To step into, enter; 31994197 Ms. 6. 51.
3 8 U. 1 To prepare (as a meal). -2 To ornament. -3 To consecrate, purify: K. 40.
THEFTOTH Preparing, purifying. ETETV a. 1. United with, joined together. -2 Afflicted, blasted (by curse ); FATH E R Bhāg. 11. 30. 2.
ei a. 1 Prepared, dressed, cooked. -2 Adorned, filled with ; 119 : fral-594 Far: Rām 5. 11. 25.
SHE I P. 1 To draw or bring together, collect. -2 To sum or wind up, conclude; Cattela; -
hafa Kull. on Ms. 1. 57. - 3 To contract; as FAISFift. -4 To withdraw, take away, withhold; By: utarat guariera 4: H. 1. 59. -5 To check, stop, curb. -6 To absorb, destroy, annihilate.
STIETOTH 1 Withdrawing, taking away or back. -2 Refusing, withholding.-3 Excluding. - Attacking, invading.
SPETT: 1 Drawing in or together, contracting; 419 HET VE SATH Mb. 5. 116. 13. -2 Drawing away, withdrawing, excluding, withholding. 375717
et 475 E ftea Bhay. 1. 7. 20. - 3 A collection, assemblage ; न तु धर्मोपसंहारमधर्मफलसंहितम् Rām. 5. 51 28. -4 Summing up, winding up, conclusion (opp. 34*). -5 A preparation of a speech &c.). -6 A compendium, resume. -7 Brevity, conciseness. -8 Perfection. -9 Destruction, death, end. -1 Attacking, invading. -11 (In logic) Refutation. -12 N. of the concluding chapters in several books.
Theft a. 1 Comprehending.-2 Exclusive. -m. A hetu (la) which is not exclusive; see 3479संहारिन्.
egfa: /. 1 Comprehension. -2 Seizing, taking. - 3 End, conclusion. -4 The catastrophe.
उपसंक्लप्त a. Put above, being a bove; तत्र तत्रोपसंक्लप्तS atu: Bhay. 4. 9. 55.
Utifra a. 1 Handed down. -2 Turned to changed into.
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