Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
insult, upbraid, accuse, charge with ; 97891 af 84- (actively used ). -74 1 Wealth acquired. -2 Receipt: fayfa Rām. - 3 To throw out a hint ), hint, indicate, 19d 17 Tranfa&H Y. 2.93. put forth, adduce; g u ya Mk. 9.3; fa 3921 Mu. 1; Māl. 1. -4 To throw down. -5 To
ta: f. 1 Approach, going near; a par
qat Si. 9. 75. -2 Knowledge, acquaintance. -3 Accomience, introduce, set on foot, begin; 39129 Mu. 1; K. 162; Dk. 59; Je fHwarat: M. 5.
ceptance, receipt. -4 Attainment, acquirement. ITCTT: 1 Throwing at, hurling.
T e a. 1 Approaching: -2 Gettiny, acquiring.
-2 Mention, allusion, hint, suggestion ; 1214292 af 23 Mu.
-3 Knowing: -4 Accepting, receiving. 1. 3; 19: 219: 1973 Ve. 5. -3 A threat, specific
39TA, -ATT 1 Going to drawing towards, incntion or charge; Tarzaqa t Dk. 61. -4 approach; सीमन्ते च त्वदुपगमज यत्र नापं वधूनाम् Me. 67 your Commencement; 3914° M. 3.-5 Poetical or figurative
advent; ada TAFA R. 6. 69, 9. 50.-2 Knowstyle in composition (Wilson).
ledge, acquaintance. -3 Attainment, acquiring; 29 a. Alluding, suggesting.
fazl a : S. 1.11.-4 Intercourse (as of the
sexes ). -5 Society, company; 7 ATGTH: H. 1. THUTH 1 Throwing or casting down. -2 Accus
117. -6 Undergoing, suffering, feeling. -7 Acceptance, ing; Charging; 7: = taraf 1757 4772 en
receipt. -8 An agreement, promise. -9 A particular 440 Sabdak. -3 Disregard, negligence: 39240S
high number. -10 -- Assumption, accepting, taking 44: HERHEIT: Mb. 1. 213. 16.
up; 3791973 C 919789144 SB. on MS. 12. 1. 21. JCIECH Supplement to supplement, sub- -11 Performing, observing ( 311TT); - THE supplement.
! ATH: Bhag, 10.70.6. TOT . Forming a small or subordinate class.
T. Coming neur; Ks. -UT: 1 A small or subordinate class. - 2 A small soffriga. Wishing or desiring to go near; number less than a troop.
#itafagurangará foi à Me. 44. 39 TFT: Perfume, scent.
3GTE P. To ponetrate or force one's way into. ETH 1 1. 1 To go to, approach ; attain, reach offt, -TH ind. [fra HERO P. V. 1. 112 ) Near (fig. also ), arrive at, visit; ta #9
a mountain. - : N. of a country situated near a R. 6. 85; so agt ZUH Pt. 4; 9ayat Bh. 2. 10; mountain in the north. Bk. 1.1; 24H Mu. 5 duly received. -2 To enter 39u ind. Near a cow. -T: A cowherd. into, penetrate: 3173752 17 argeafreit. Tura:
39 a. Iliddon. concealed; fan whose wealth is Si. 9.39. -3 To undergo, suffer; A Rānu.
concealed. --- To go to the state of, attain, acquire; arauareaHannah Ku. 1. 8; V aig fu Si. 9. 6; so I 399: An assistant teacher. - inil. Near a A2124, 44, Tlah, ah, ach &c. -5 To approach
teacher. a woman (for sexual intercourse); gata i a TE 1 U. 1 To clasp, ombra.co; ana kala TÈ J1978 Ms. 3. 34, 1. 10. -6 To come upon, R. 13. 63, 18. 47; Bk. 14.52; Si. 9. 38. -2 To hide, attack. -7 To occur, happen, present itself; conceal, cover, encircle, wird round; JAHITATE: Figari yaya Me. 109. v. l. -8 To undertake, K. 21, 38. begin. -9 To suffer, share in. -10 To admit, agree to,
3 . p. 1 Hidden, concealed; 391891ettconsent, allow; aatan H Ms. 2. 160. -11 To
qarqara R. 13. 30.-2 Embraced, clasped. -3 Held, worship; सहपल्या विशालाक्ष्या नारायणमुपागमत् Ram.2.6.1.
supported; F ATI TZACH R. 6. 13.-4 Suppress--taus. To cause to come near or approach.
ed. -5 Seized, harassed; T ageft: uit 1991ETT a. (At the end of comp. only ) 1 Approaching,
44: Bhag. 4. 28. 6. -6 Filled with, covered: Jarra: followiny, joining.-2 Receiving; 19: 491am
gítara(Taifa 2107: Rām. 1.1.9. An embrace; a you'HOT: Ms. 1. 16: Si. 16. 68. 3 Fit for, con
39&fa 9a 7 Ku. 1. 17; qu4TICHETTI ducive; Mb. - 4 Covered as a female).
Si. 10. 88; 70317924 Bh. 3.82; 2474 Me. 97. 3 ta p. p. 1 Gone to, approached, arrived.
1 Hiding, concealing. -2 An embrace. -2 Occurred, happened. -3 Near, at hand. - 4 Got,
-3 Astonishment, surprise; (in drana ) an occurance
of any wonderful event. obtained. -5 Undergone, experienced-6 Furnished with; (fea, i); fra F IT ETT: 3 ot. p. 1 To be embraced. -2 To be taken Ram. 6.97.32. -7 Gone to, become. -8 Promised, or seized. -: 1 An embrace. - 2 A kind of fire agreed. - 9 Passed away, dead. -10 Feeling, suffering regarded as impure and therefore to be hidden ).
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