Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Farah [ ] 1 Binding, confinement;
3 fte p. p. 1 Mentioned, particularized, specially 4240 Hzmat 79 79: Mb. 12. 137. 11. -2 told. --2 Desired, wished for. -3 Explained, taught Taming, subduing. -3 The middle, the waist. -4A &c. -4 Ronowned, famous; 43120 ETET: TATHÈ fire-place. --The submarine fire. -6 Entrance of the 2741 pm at a Tai fa il Rám. 6. 66. 27. sun into a zodiacal sign ( 1177 ).
€T: 1 Pointing to or at, directing; ailega fara 3ĘT: N. of a tree (farfa), Girvāṇa.
10: Pt. 2 in the name of. -2 Mention, specification ; JETA a. 1 Unbound, unrestrained, unchecked, free,
KURT Pt. 5; FTAETITIAT: Nir. -3 Illustration, bold; Hafa h afai 17 Si. 1. 10. -2 (a) Strong,
explanation, exemplification. -4 Ascertainment, deterpowerful, violent; Thus 149 tarasrafi (7 ) mination, inquiry, investigation, search. 5 A brief Pt. 3. 148; Mal. 3, 7; ETICHETTO 6. 13. (1) statement or account; me dera: se fazardaadt u Furious, intoxicated; THÍAS R. 1.78; Si. 11. 19; Bg. 10.40; Mb. 8. 69.54. -6 Assignment, allotment. U. 3. 6. - 3 Dreadful, forinida ble; clear: Mal. 3. -7 Stipulation, bargain. -8 Object, motive; ET: - 4 Self-willed. -5 Luxuriant, large, great, excessive;
a : Mb. 3. 158. 3. -9 A spot, region, place; 3461 geria wa pieaufnah Me. 25; ÀREATH valg e t: $. 3; M. 3; 44o a part of the forest. Ratn. 2. 4, 4. 22; TEIHT 471 exbaling great smell ; -10 Upper region, high position. -11 (In phil.) The Mk. 5. 22. -6 Proud, baughty;
TEH onunciation of a thing by its name (which is to be Mv. 3. 45 elated. -7 Unlimited, extra-ordinary. #: further discussed and explained ), the other two pro1 N. of Yama. -2 N. of Varuņa. - Hind. Violently,
cesses being लक्षण and परीक्षा. -Comp. -पदम् The term fiercely, strongly; 310 9feza: U. 3. 9.
(or terms) which form the subject; al 4979:
USHT 1924, a: fa ITHI SR. on 37. [ 32-61-F ] Tied, bound.
MS. 6. 6. 20. JEGA a. Tearing out. - : The act of splitting, causing to burst (Jaina).
27. a. Illustrative. - 1 An illustration,
uxample. -2 An illustrator, a guide. -3 (In Math.) JES: 1 N. of a plant, Cordia Myxa or Latifolia A question, problem ; 31714 : (frequently occurring (aganza; Mar. ***). -2 The sage 31
in Lilavati). JER : = 1 33 q. v. -2 N. of a sage; 3E+ Sesta: ind. Pointedly, distinctly; ma geera: 914: 3456f0: Bri. Up. 3.7.1. -H A kind of honey. -Comp. Bg. 10. 40. -पुष्पभञ्जिका [उद्दालकानां पुष्पाणि भज्यन्ते यत्र क्रीडायर्या ण्वुलू]
30 put. p. 1 To be illustrated or explained. a sort of game played by the people in the eastern districts in which Uddalaka flowers are broken or
-2 To be intended or aimed at. -3 That to which one
refers or which one has in view. -41 The object crushed).
in view, an incentive. -2 The subject of an assertion उद्दालकायन: A descendant or son of उद्दालक ...
(opp. 1997); see the word and also. ; for star Bri. Up. 4. 6. 2.
T a. Pointing at or to. उद्दिनम् Midday. GU. 1 To point out, signify, declare, denote,
39 a. 1 Pointing out. -2 One who acts with a tell: GHECH Ku. 6.35; Ms. 8.12. ! certain object in view. 3. 182; Mo. 30; uitleg ZTTI S. 3; Baah afe: 17
ty 4 A. To flame, blaze up, be kindled; 417960Med. denotes or signifies. -2 To enunciate, prophesy; cha Si. 15. 48; giza wat: Mahnr. 28. ca fie: S. 5. -8 To rofer or allude to have Kaus. -Caus. 1 To light up, inflame, illuminate, kindle reference to; y Ku. 4.38; S. 6, see below. garate192144 Av. 12. 2. 5. a *: Ve. 2. -2 - To mean, intend, aim at, direct towards, destine To excite, animate, fire; 92921491a Ve. 2; for, assign to, dedicate to; K. 40: Bizgrafeni w a i TEIH Mal. 5. 25; 2 Bg. 17. 21.-5 To explain, teach, advise; wat alles fequ A H Bh. 2. 28.
setu: 1 Inflaming, lighting. -2 An in flamer.
-3 That which animates or excites. -94 Bdellium. seger ind. 1 With reference to, aiming at, in the direction of, towords; quiero sya: Pt. 1.
1 a. 1 Exciting, rendering more intense; 777
F&1974 Dk. 9 virulence. -2 Lighting, inflaming. -2 For, for the sake of, on account of, in the name of; ato S. 3 on thy account; fh for what purpose, on
- A kind of bird. - A kind of aut. what account; fafana Pt. 1. 283 for some cause; 1914- 3 4 1 Inflaming, exciting; #19°, 317 -2 (In
a ttfor M. 5. in your name. - 3 Demanding, Rhet.) That which excites or feeds (a sentiment or stipulating for.
rasa), any aggravating or attendant circumstance
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