Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
- To sit quietly, take no hostile measures, remaini 31 Pres. p. Sitting, seated : eratat grafer idle; 311418 a & Si. 2. 57. -4 To be, exist.
H 9719 nodding when sented ; -5 To be contained in; alfa ya AfFTAMTH falling asleep. Si. 1. 23. -6 To abide, repain, continue or be in any आस्या Sittings abode, state of rost; आस्था वर्णकफस्थौल्यstate, be doing anything, last; oft. used with present सौकुमार्यकरी सुखा Susr. participles to denote a continuous or uninterrupted
171, 1A: (Instr. and a bl. of 1) Refore one's action; facity
9 a Pt. 1 kept on, continued, tearing up and bellowing; used in this sense also with an
eyes, by word of mouth, personally; in close vicinity. adj., subst., indolina ble, past part., an adverb TWITH
HART, ura a. Liable to progress or alteration. Co.), or with the instr. of a noun;
&. -7 To - fa ini. 1 Till the end of the world or worldly lead to, result in with dat.); tai Ha Te hidat existence; Pt. 1. -2 Within the limits or range of
adida 7: H. 1. 185 -8 To cease, have an end. -9 worldly existence, throughout the sphere of worldly To solemnize, celebrate. -10 To let go, lay or put
life; pra f aaf aan ara ait Bh. 3. 46: aside; at ang7 let it aside, let it go, to say nothing
31 iaitu hala: Ki. 3. 6 (Malli radiata). of, not to mention; K. 18. -11 To be indifferent; 95
AFTH Detachment, disunion. Separation ; आस्ते इत्युपवेशने भवति । नावश्यमुपवेशने एव, औदासीन्येऽपि दृश्यते।
GIrvāņa. SB. on MS. 3. 6. 24. -Caus. To cause to sit, seat, fix;
reitstaa. One with whom one has agreed or आसयत्सलिले पृथ्वीम् Sk. Desid. आसिसिषते To wish to sit &c. -II. 4. P. [
concerted. fa, ada ] 1 To enclose; border. -2
T To admit (as water ) into.
ETET a. Blocked up, obstructed, confined on
all sides); 11494 nacza 47: Tert: Rām. STA: ( 3114-99] 1 A seat. - A bow ( also); # Fia: H : 4: Ki. 15.5. - 3 Ashes. -
TEST 1 P. 1 To fasten, fix on, attach to, join or 1 Seat or
add to, place or put on lower part of the body. -2 Proximity.
dress, armour &c.); 14
7470% Ku. 2. 64; 3797 3114340 Sk. ; 371444197207: 3719 (319-3] 1 Sitting down. -2 A seat, place,
S.3. 25 with the eyes intently fixed; (fig. also); y... stool; Bg. 11. 42; #ana 2 Ku. 3. 2; 3787
4342 R. 2.74; so y 1937; 19H &c.; 311449 971 to leave one's seat, rise; R. 3. 11. -3 A particular
M4 Bk. 14.101 fear overtook them. -2 To confer posture or mode of sitting; cf. 90°, , 4, ano &c.
upon, conduce to; fazat 41 YouTT Ki. 13. 14.-3 it. अनायासेन येन स्यादजस्रं ब्रह्मचिन्तनम् । आसनं तद् विजानीयाद्
To stick or adhere to, depend upon. -4 To take up. T AI 2017 - Sitting down or halting, stop
-Caus. 1 To cause to attach, have anything fastened ping, oncamping.-5 Abiding, dwelling: Mo. 2. 246;
or put on. - To place, put, throw round; 319 TAI 6. 59. -6 Any peculiar mode of sexual enjoyinent
94192T 703 gur R. 6. 83. -3 To entrust or appoint. (8t such disanas are usually mentioned ). -7 Maintain
pass. ) To adhere, stiek, be attached: f arch: ing a post against an enemy (opp. 41797), one of
ET TA 290 Ki. 11. 29; of. "Do unto others as the six modes of foreign policy; which are: -- 1
you would be done by." विग्रहो यानमासन द्वैधमाश्रयः Ak.: प्रतिबद्धशक्त्योः कालप्रतीक्षया तूष्णीमवस्थानमासनम् । परस्परस्य सामर्थ्यविघातादासनं स्मृतम्
TIHTI p. p. 1 Strongly attached to, intent on, Agni P.; Ms. 7. 160, 162, 166; Y. 1. 317; Pt. 3. -8
devoted or addicted to, (usually with loc. or in comp.) The front part of an elephant's body, withers. -9
97, 741. -2 Absorbed or engaged in, zealously Throwing (fr. 313 to throw ).-10 N. of two trees (3147
following or pursuing. -3 Fixed on, dirocted towards, and 19%). -11 Place where the elephant-rider sits,
joined or attached to, placed or resting on; H939of. मस्तकद्वितयं दन्तावासनं वंश एव च। पडेने प्रोन्नता यस्य स गजो
gie: K. 158; gerai My. 5. 58 formed; TET1991a: || Matanga L. 2. 1. -12 Neutrality (as of a
A T: Ku. 6. 40 resting on; ag 8. -4 Surnation): Kau. A. 7. 1.-13 A moving piece (draught)
rounded, encircled. - Continuous, perpetual, eternal. in the game of dice; SITESİ 4 at 18 :
-6 Trusting to, confiding in. -7 Obstructed, checked ;
Watu Bhāg. 6. 12. 17. -
4 Rām. 7.32.5. - ini. A seat, stool, stay. - 1 Stay, abiding, sitting. --2 A small seat or stool. -3 A shop,
Eternally, perpetually. -Comp. -fani, -a , -A stall. -Comp. requis a. resolute to sit down, firm
a. having the mind fixed on any object. in one's seat; fag AIT : R. 2.6. -
en f. 1 Attachment, devotion, fondness; Semen (73# fara 61974); 391495 Teat- alfestaftalatai: K. 120; intentness, application. -2 473942rafta Hafa fa fa Māl. 7. (v. 1. 341479977). Waylaying (Ved.). - ind. Ved. Purposely.
s ea p. p. (3914-] Seated, at rest; na: : STAS «. Uninterrupted, perpetual. -TT: 1 Attachafad an Sk. -9 1 Sitting down. -2 A seat; HTA- ! mant, devotion ( to any object) (to enjoy or protect FATH Sk.-3 Abode, a place where one has lived; a city. it); gao 35: K. 173; U. 3; ara: taiativitas yatalan
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