Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
6. 90. 3. -15 Union, attachment. -16 A plea, an excuse. -17 Contiguity, vicinity. -18 Seeking shelter or protection with another (= 623 ), one of the six gunas, q. . -19 An appropriate act, or one con sistent with character. -20 Source, origin. -21 In gram.) The subject, or that to which the predicate is attachel. -22 ( With Buddhists) The five organs of sense with Mures or mind. -Comp. -1 ,f. a kind of fallacy, one of the three sub-divisions of
; (that whose substratuin is false or fictitious); e. y.
1 319 T r . -37137, a. consuming everything with which it comes in contact. (-3TTET:, -*) 1 fire; pad: H Hfara f 4 : 1219119111 Udb.-2a. forfoiter of slum.-3 the constellation #l. a. one who is the refuge or support of another person.
fer an adjotive (a word which must agree in gender with the word which it qualifics or refers to).
371770 a. (of /.) 1 Resorting to, soeking refuge with ; 98779ufi Hari Ku. 4. 20.-2 Referring to.-014 1 Botaking oneself to, taking refuge with. -2 Accepting, choosing.-3 Joining. 4 Refuge, asylum.
3774U pot. p 1 To be had recourse to; platafft 7 E : R. 17. 60.-2 To be practised or followed &c.
3712707 a. 1 Resting with, dependent on. -2 Related to, concerning; ufquft V. 3. 10; K. 213. -3 Resorting to; H O T TE R. 6. +; Ratn. 2. अमेत्य पतङ्गवर्मना पनराश्रयिणी भवामि ते Ku.1.20. -आश्रयिन् m. A complementary detail. 31122cara atau masa: za 1 MS. 4. 1. 18.
fra H. (Used actively ) (with an acc.) 1 Resorting to having recourse to; F a : R. 8. 14; COTT: = A27: Sk.; Arengapa By. 9.11; R. 1. 13.-2 Dwelling in, inhabiting, seated or rosting on, stationiny oneself at or on;
- HIPA Harf M.; No Targa : ufa; 3821 TU: Ak.; R. 12. 21, 1.75; En, fo &c. -3 Using, employing. -4 Following practising, observing ; Areztv.24, 44, 927914; 4 ar Saifurat: Ku. 6.6; Bk.7.
2. -5 Receiving anything as an inherent or integral part. -6 Dependent on; 18971124 Ms. 9. 255. -7 Reforring to, regardling; fi ar: #4: Mb.; 3917 iy
99: Ram. 7.91.6. -8 (Passively used ) Resorted to, inhabited &c.; 7 far a Pt. 1, R. 3. 11. -: A dependent ser vent, follower ; *** PATH IT. 1; 9491 91943 itaalia Ku. 3. 1. -24 (pl.) The objects perceived by the senses and mind.
strer: f. The edge of word. 3. &#...
37T2T 5 P. 1 To hear, listen to. -2 To promise (with dat. of person; cf. P. I. t. 40; . 2. 196). -3 To recept, undertake. -curs. 1 To cause to hear, -2 To call, particularly in ritualistic formulas; 1 3
ara Ch. Up. 1.1.9. - 3 To draw towards, win over, attract: 12 TH Bk. 12.30. -4 Tony, repeat (as: Mantra ). 31 W PT Tait. Up. 1.8. 1.
371272 . ( 311-43-347) Obedient, compliant: f8914799: . 19. 19; 77:937aar N. 3. 1. -2: 1 A promise, engagement. -2 Fault, transyression. -3 One of the catogories according to the Jainas. -4 Worldly torment or pain (f. अविद्याऽस्मितारागद्वपाभिनिवेशाः
: : -sía 47918: ). aanaal 1 448 $74122FIT Bu. Ch. 3. 10. (see 3172.)
3 Taury 1 Calling out so as to make one listen. -2 N. of certain short words uttered at veremonies; 1 TTATHI raya y ah Asval.
2a. 7. 1 Heard. -2 Promised, agreol, acepted. - H Calling so as to make one listen.
styfa: f. 1 Hearing. -2 Accepting.
31120 . One whose cars hear all around (Ved.).
377 4 P. 1 To embrace, clasp; wa tatu a Bh. 3. 92.-2 To cleave or stick to.
STATO pp. 1 Embraced, claspod; used actively also; P. III. 4. 72. 3
Sk. -2 Connected, interwoven, blended; 47 T e lè: 919: Mb.-3 Joined to, touching, in contact with; अवनितलाश्लिष्टललाटरेखया K. 67; 14 R. 6.53; Si. 3.72; garg4 Me. 2. - 4 Joining what adheres or attaches to. - Invested; spread. -6 Deduced, concluded.
377: 1 Embracing, clasping, al enibrace; 3119: 139947 4 Si. 2. 17; Ainaru. 17, 74, 95#0712901 To Me. 3, 108. - 2 Contact, intimate connotion: relation; tranqu i uald: Mugdha. -3 The site of an, act. -T: 1. (pl.) N. of the rinth Naksatra.
TTO Adherence, hanging on.
19a ( s)[37272 270] 1 Belonging 10 or coming from a horse, equestrian ; 3914377 Fit
U za Suár. -2 Drawn by horses (: a chariot ). 90H 1 A number of horses. -2 A chariot drawn by horsos. -3 The state or action of a horse ( 379 na: Far Sk.).
arer a.(reft/.), safe( /) [ 3 47734 31777, a l'. IV. 2. 22 ] 1 Relating to or made of the holy tiy-tree. -2 Relating to the fruit-bearing season of this tree, as a YET. - The night having the 39374 Na ksatra. - The fruit of the holy fig-tree.
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