Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
## K. 35 (length also ), 58; Dk. 29; 1998Oc: Si. 14. 7: 11a1a: Ki. 2. 14; Ms. 7. 16.); 31a12ha-: lt. 3. 111 imprudent, not good for the future; z a: Mu. 4. 12; 3° Ki. 1. 23 permanent. -3 Future consequence or result; 32 arit Fra
2Ms. 7. 178; Ki. 1. 15, 2. 43, 3. 43; Ki. 1. 21; fruit-yielding season. -4 Majesty, dignity; 3 a faqa Rām. . 19. 12. -5 Stretching the hand, accepting, obtaining. -6 Work ( I); I
i za $14124 Ms. 7. 208 (* Kull.). -7 Connection, junction. -8 Meeting, union-9 Source, descent; qua: Dk. 154 descended from him.-10 Re straint (of mind). -11 Arrival; 992 era fara 49 9241 Prašna. Up. 3. 12. -12 A long line, succession; 1
: H ararit: Mb. 7. 159. 71. rufaad a. 1 Long, extended. -2 Dignitiod, majestic, stately. -3 Self-restrained.
12 . Veil. One who approaches, one who fastens or raises.
T HETH 1 Length, extension. -2 Restraint, curbing. -3 Stretching (as a bow); 2+1 97 3411494 Ch. Up. 1. 3.5. 37121#: [ 311-48-49] 1 Length; fa
Me. 59. - 2 Expansion, extension ; Ki. 7. 6. -3 Stretching, extending. Restraint, control, stopping; 10777#971301: Bg. 1. 29; 07214: 4 29: Ms. 2. 83.
To a. Extonded, long; 1 1 a -! f 91214a V. 1. 4; Si. 12. 65. 3 a «. Stretched out, extended.
STTTIII. 1 One who restrains. -2 Long (in space or time); K. 25, 55; 21419 Ki. 11. 18. 3712757 Impatience, longiny; 132 : 1 2
1 : Näy. 1. 20.
1272 Ved. A spoon for stirring or any similar implernent.
1499:, -24 Pasture-ground, place for feeding. 372741 . 1 To exert oneself; fe414747: Mu 3.11. -2 To weary oneself, become exhausted of fatigued ; 122 947 Bk. 6. 69, 11. 104, 15. 54. -Cans. 1 To trouble, afflict; 31141426 H 19: K. 35; Mu. 7.8; V. 2. - 2 To weary, tire out, worry. -3 To injure, affect; lessen, diminish ; ISS a rar Bk. 8. 61. - 4 To striny (as a bow); 3771299 : Pt. 1. 385.
sterea p. . (314-45 1 Pained, distressed, afflicted. -2 Hurt, injured, killed: fat az a fer Mb. 13. 1. 26. -3 Vexed, angry. -4 Effected with difficulty. -5 Thrown, cast, sent forth. -6 Sharpened, whetted.
-7 (Actively used ) Toiling, la bouring, exerting oneself. -8 Eager, anxiously desirous; 32: ( ) Ki. 7.32.784 A great effort; da c a
4 Ram. . 16.9.
3T121: ( 311-74-99] 1 Effort, exertion, trouble, difficulty, pain, la bour; a71214 By. 18. 21; cf. 371121 also. -2 Fatigue, weariness; 1983 sata
para af 92137: 8 er at Mb. -3 Mental pain, anguish: a fef2 Ram. 2. 25. 1: 3740: 93 312 31272: Pratimā 1. -4 Unsteadiness, Wavering; आत्मज्ञानमनायासस्तितिक्षा धर्मनिन्यता Mb.5.31.73.
3T12F a. [31-78-] Causing fatigue, wea risome troublesome; achatu r
Bh. 3. 58. 3TZ T a. (311-74-10ta ] 1 Exhausted, fatigued. -2 Making oxortions, striving; HI
T S. 2. 1. v. 1. 3714 a. ( f.) [
3 4 17: 347] 1 Made of iron, iron, metallic; TH 3712Tai Ait. Up. 4. 5. 3727 Pusha af Ms. 8. 315; 1 764 79 THE By. 2.59. -2 Armed with an iron weapon. A coat of mail, an armour for the body. + 1 Iron; 46 gafah Satuan Ku. 6.55; ** 9*134127 591974 R. 17. 63. -2 Anything made of iron. -3 A weapon. -4 A wind instrument.
TOEFIT: The upper part of the thigh of an elephant.
31197 2 P. 1 To come, arrive, approach. -2 To reach, attain, go to any particular state); 34, 9514,
274, 1714 &c. atau PCT Mund: 1. 2. 12; 3 1 972 ár Mahānār. 15. 1.-3 To follow, result. - 4 To be possible or practicable with inf.).
327ta a. Come, approached; 3121 Agra af yaarana 94: Sri. Til. -94 Excess, supera bundance (27); TM Ki. 5. 23.
para: 1. ( 341-71-f ] Coming near, arrival. TTT 1 Coming, arrival; 3 2
- 74 Rv. 8. 22. 18.-2 Natural temperament, disposition, nature. -3 An ornament of the horse; IIch. 7.
191998 Causing to come, inviting. STT TT a. Urgently requested or asked for. 311977: A kind of pillar (cf. Mana ).
Ty a. [-31 Un. 1. 2] Ved. Living, going, movable.-T 1 A living being, man. -2 Mankind, human race. -3 Living beings taken collectively. -4 The first man. -5 Life, duration of life. -8 Wind, 37 to: agar ja Mb. -7 A son, descendant, offepring. -8 The son of Purūravas and Urvasi. -Comp. -99 a. attached to; joined with men; H: 997 31199 Rv. 9. 25.5.
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