Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
STATE : A seed of the Dill kind, Lingusticum Ajwaen (Mar. siiat).
AT a. Robbiny, stealing. - T: Theft, robbing.
#197 m. A thief. TTHEFT A kind of fragrant odour. 37AT 1 P. 1() To hand down traditionally or in acreal texts; भवत्प्रणीतमाचारमामनन्ति हि साधवः Ku.6. 31; va f 49417 3 Mal. 7. (1) Hence, to regarii, consider, mention, lay down; 4791797 - Hafa Kath. 1. 4. 15. hafa fa gore yardan Ku. 2. 13, 5.81; M. 1. 4; Bk. 18. 5; Kám. 8. 21; U.5; Mv. 4.30. -2 To keep in mind, commit to memory, learn, study, ropeat; 3114774-79744 Bk. 17. 30; 47
AH Ku. 6. 16 learnt. -3 To celebrate, hail. SITFIT p.) 1 Considereil, regarded, said to be; af feraiat au-1917: 7 (TT:) Si. 2. 10. -2 Studied, repeated. -3 Remembered, kept in mind. -4 Ilan lol clown in Nacred texts or traditionally. -2147 Study.
3 . [371314-f4 One who has stu lied the Velas : आम्नातिनी नीतिपु बुद्धिमद्भिः Bk.
T TH ( 31--- ] 1 Recitation or study of the sacred texts or Vedas. -2 Mention; repetition in general.
311FT: [ 31-7-99) 1(a) Sacred tradition, sacred texts handed down by tradition or repetition. (1) Jlence, the Voda, Vedas taken collectively (including Brāhmaṇas, Upanisads and Araṇyakas also ); staat Fracarrainy Dk. 120; 34191470 HAU OFRE: 319
*: gaža: var: vaalgat: il Mb.: Ki. 11. 39.-2 Study (by ropotition); 3771241 atau 44 Mb. 12. 328. 20.-3 A sacred text or precept in general; 311721799773aaArt: U. 4. -4 Traditional usage, family or national customs; U.6. -5 Received doctrine. -6 Advice or instruction (in past and present usage). -7 A Tantra. -8 A series of families. -Comp. after a. 1 pious, observing the traditional usages. - 2 containing the essence of the Veda.
serta a. Attended with, or learnt by, traditional instruction: U. 6.
31177frgan: A country inhabited by the Ambarisaputras.
tag: An inhabitant of Ambastha. arta: [377472 3793 ] An epithet of (a) Dhritaristra; न मे तच्च श्रुतवानाम्बिकेयः Mb. 3.5.14. () Kartikeya. 3717H .. ( f.) [3+44-3707] Watery, fluid.
FAT a. ( f.) [337 3 5] Acquatic. - A fish,
3T19:( 347 teg ta ci84 Uņ. 2. 16.) The mango tree. -94 The fruit of the mango troe. -Comp.-3117 The seed of the mango tree. ad 1 N. of a tree (1917).-2 inspissated inango iuice. - the fruit of 311919. RE: N. of a mountain; Figa1972: Me. 17. - * N. of a plant ( 721: Mar. 4 ). - N. of the plant Curcuma Reclinata (Mar. 3aea). -77: A particular Raya in music. - ref. N. of a prostitute famous for her beauty. -Taft 31944 ustra] a portion of dried mango fruit. -फलप्रपाणकम् A cooling drink marle of mangoes.-वण
THE 427 cf. P. VIII. 1.5 ] a grove of mango trees; #scargau foar Rām.
31917: [318 319 3aía 317-377 Tv.] The hoc-plum, Spondias Mangifera (its inice resembliner that of the mango. Mar. 31413). -TH The fruit of this tree.
37191T: 1 The hoy plum. -2 Inspissate mango juice (Mar. a); 3914 URTEI Paafta 4:1
HET Balah sfat a: Il Bhāv. P.-3 N. of a mountain.
radt N. of a town.
htm. Acid taste; see Gana to P. V. 1. 123. Tez Cans. To repeat; ea ya 71Fhàsasa tie Mb. 315 Tautology; repetition of words or sounds.
uisa p. p. Reiterated, repeated (as words ). - 1 Repetition of sound or word. -2 (In gram.) | Reduplication, the second word in reduplication; fadzaarag Sk.
आम्लः , -म्ला The tamarind tree. -म्लम् Sourness, acidity.-T The aggregate of the tive following Viziphus Jujuba (Nar. art), Pomegranate (Alar. Bfza), Mangosteen (Mar. 15a), Tamarind (Mar. 117), Averrhoa Carambola (Mar. *HT). -ah: N. of the plant Rumex Vesicarius (Mar. YFI).
T (FT) FT 1 The tamarind tree. -2 Acidity of stomach.
14: [ 31-5-317, 397-517 ] 1 Arrival, approach: 12 aga 19 TOT Rv. 2. 38. 10. -2 Gaining or acquisition of money, acquiring (opp. 54); 3711
44: : : Pt. 1. 163. -3 Income, revenue; receipt; may FH 217 212: Sk; Y. 1. 322, 327 ; Mk. 2. 6; 3117&ITIO Dk. 162 sources of income; 311767411 = faqatalmi ha = Ms. 8. 419; 31121
the lives beyond his means. -4 Gain, profit. -5 The eleventh house in astrology ). -6 The guard of the women's apartments. -7 Means, source; Thi Free Mb. 13. 163. 5. -Comp. - ISTI seeing (i.e. having) revenues, revenue-collector; Mk. -ICH
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