Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
(aa aa a aa 74: Bhay. 1. 1.1.) and the latter, because he was the first to show to others 'the path of pouts'; when he beheld one of a pair of Krunch: birds being killed by a fowlor, le cursed the wretol, and his grief unconsciously took the form of a verse ( 4971 272 27:); he was subrequently told by Brahma to compose the life of Rāma, al he thus gove to the worll the first poem in Sanskrit, the Ramayana; cf. U. 2. Viskumbhak. [ugh the first book of the Rāmāyana. -FrTUT the first or primary cause of the universe ), which, according to the Vedantins, is Brahman; while, according to the Naiyāyikas and particalarly the Vaiseşikax, atonus are the first or material cause of the universe, and not God. -2 analysis. -3 algebra. - F14 the first poem; i.e. the Rāmāyaṇa ; sec 3f2afa. Ta: N. of Visnu. -GIT: N. of Risabha the first तीर्थकर. -ताल: a sort of musical time or 11%; T a mua 312
. EITF N. of a figure in rhetoric (the verb standing at the beginning of the sentence). cf. Bk. 10. 23. da: 1 the first or Supreme God; पुरुषं शाश्वतं दिव्यं आदिदेव43 faye Br. 10. 12, 11. 38. -2 Nārāyana or Vişnu. -3 Siva. - 4 Brahma; Mb. 12. 188. 20. -5 the sun.
Re: an epithet of Hiranya ka sipu. -art: N. of Adibuddha. Ta n. the first section or chapter', N. of the first book of the Mahabharata. -grote the first Purana, N. of the Brahuna-Puriņa. N. of a Jaina religious book. -
T: 1 the first or primeval bein'", the Lord of the creation. -2 Visou, Kriņa, or Narayana; +41989-a-d y gay: R. 10.6;
69: Si. 1. 11. -34 genera tive power; first vigour. T. a. perceived in the beginning. (- ) the primitive Buddha. -a, - aa. producer at first. (-:, :) 1 the first-born, primeval being, an epithet of Brahma; Fachat 49: Bhāy, 7. 3. 22. -2 also N. of Visau: Tanate. Ha gar R. 13. 8. -3 an elder brother. (-a) minute five elenient (934mara); a furia HEITaifa ag Bhāg. 10.3. 25. HoH first foundation, primeval cause. - TTTO: the first teacher of devotion', an epithet of Siva. T4: the first of the 8 Rasas, i. e. TiT or love. -TIGT: the first king : an epithet of Manu. -T4 Symptom of diseaso). -aizt: primeval race, primitive family. -ata: 'the first boor', an epithet of Visnu, allucing to his third or boar-incarnation.-fagy . the first learned man;
97, -agar f. N. of an Arya metre. -T: N. of 3 plant (Mar. 31921). - : /. 1 the power of Az or illusion. -2 an epithet of Durga. -TIT 1. the primitive body. -2 ignorance. -3 the subtle body. - : the first creation.
STIF. . (At the end of womp.) Beginning with, and so on.
ea, et ind. Froin the Erst or beginning, t first: aaa U. 1.20. - 14459 heutनादितो दश Ms. आदौ गमतपोवनाधिगमनम्.
T H . 31 *a: -43] First, primitive, original: f&#: 2 :21: fra Bhasa. P.
lat, 794 Priority, precedente. T AL. Tlaving a beyiming.
. [ 121 4:14 ] 1 Firxt, primitive, being at the beginning.-2 Being at the heil, excellent, - paralleled, pre-eminent, foremost: F 4
A 11974 By. 8. 28; 11. 31; 11. 47; 155. 1. THI :
19:3urf47 R. 1.11. -3 (At the end of comp. ) Beginning with, and so on see 311. -4 Immediately preveling; T TT Srut. 27 inmediately before the 11th i. c. 1oth; so z 2. -5 Eatable ( 3 1); 119 gian: Prasa tip.. 11; fed 7 TO 292 14311 Pt. 1. 22. - : . pl.) A class of cleities. 1 An opithet of Durga. -2 The first day (AT) of a month. T 1 The beginning. -2 Grain, food.-3 A kind of fruneral obsequial ceremony (973). Conp. -e: the first poet,' an epithet of Brahmā or Vālmīki; sce 311f2a. - a. Sueing only the present (1H1Higa); 3110913 691
4: Mb. 12. 321.14. - the primary or material cause of the universe, which, acording to the Sankhyas, is 999 or the inanimate principle. - 17 . mesure of five yunjas (about. 17! grains Troy ).
sila (@arriag] 1 A son of Aditi. -2 A od, divinity in general. -3 The sun; fafa 29: HZ
Ry. 10. 88. 11. BEST « [ atriu P. IV. 1. N.) 1 Solar, belonging to, or born in, the solar line; de ani
Ta w aran U. 6.18.-2 Devoted to, or originating from, Aditi ei p9 Yaj. Ts. 2. 2. 6. 1. -3 Belonging to, or sprung fronı, the Adityas. : 1 A son of Aditi; a yod, divinity in general. The number of Adityas appears to have been originally seven, of whom Varuna is the head, and the name Aditya was restricted to thein (dal 31 kv. 9. 114. 3.). In the time of the Brahmaņas, however, the number of Adityas rose to 1, representing the sun in the 12 months of the year; T H151HEZI DENT: Ta ! भगो विवस्वान् पूषा च सविता दशमः स्मृतः ॥ एकादशस्तथा त्वष्टा fargeasy gayai); path fano: Ry. 10. 21; Ku. 2. 24. These 12 suns are supposed to shine only at the destruction of the universe; cf. Ve. 3.8; aj fare zaferovaiseat cau*:). -2 The sun Vāj. 4. 21.-3
A name of Visuu in his fifth or dwarf-incarnation ; *#14: zitiera: V. Sah. -4 N. of the Irka plant (Mar.
3). - (dual) N. of a constellation, the seventh lunar mansion (904). -Comp. -ig: 1 N. of a son of
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