Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
ACT a. 1 Irresistible, insuperable; y HE : Rām. 5. 6.5; far e : To Rām. 5. 37. 4. -2 Not to be diverted or misled; Mb.
T FT ind. Not once, repeatedly, often and often ; BATH atraat R. 9. 23; Me. 93. -Comp. TAI: repeated meditation. -Tata: repeated birth. : A tooth: Bri. S.
AT a. 1 = het this or that; fara a faz TERATH Si. 7. 53.-2 This wicked one. cf. 347444 317 : P. V. 3. 71. i 4914 af 2544 Bk. t. 15.
37 . Not excessively attached, not foeling interested in, indifferent (to); 3789: 324747 R. 1.21. -2 Not entangled; Bay 46 4 9 FAITH S. 2. 13. -3 Not united, detached.-4 Not attached to worldly feelings and connections. 3947: #ffct By. 3. 7. 19. -Ti iwl. 1 Without being excessively attached or addicted to: 34741 TOT 141144 Ki. 1.11.-2 Without any hindrance, quickly: Dk. 3.5. 9 fra waarafu Mb. 3. 39. 12. -3 Incessantly, ceaselessly 318 e 92: 2774 Ki. 1. 31.
eft f. The being detached from worldly feelings or passions; TTHETET: 9727 vefag Rg. 13.9.
997 . Thighloss also 31+1: (P. V. 4. 121.)
32% . Ved. not ceasing to flow, not drying up; not going clsewhere ( H);
frac14 Ry. 6. 63. 8. Safe: An enemy, adversary.
... Not belonging to the same for or family ; 3911197 : Ms. 3. 5.
T: 1 Non-mixture of caste. -2 Absence of confusion. esfera . Not determined: 74
FA11- de Rām. 2. 22. 24. TV a. Not fickle, steady; Ms. 6. 43.
TEER . Not crowded, open, clear, broad, Casa road &c.). : A broad road.
TAF . Not yone over or transmitted : Cara: an intercalary month.
3 . Beyond calculation, numberless, countless, innumerable; Faraoyciela : IT a 7 Ms. 1. 80: 12. 15; "ar, - infinity. 8 dicat a: 1 Si.
Thea a. Countless, innumerable. tegral 12 : Equi: Av. 12. 3. 28.
exceedingly large number. 31 auf faran Av. 1.8. 24. -Comp. - TT «. innumerable.
31 T a. 1 Not attached, free from worldly ties. -2 Not hindered or obstructed, not blunted; 318111: sfat and HT0: Rām. 5.51.14. faf arar R. 3. 63; -3 Not united, solitary, wassailed. - T: 1 Non-attachment; 312 : (7 424) Ms. 6. 75.-2 l'arası or soul in San. Phil.)-aftar 1. moving without obstacle. Rām. 5. 97. a. not attached to. Rām. 3
raiTa a. 1 Ununited, unaccompanied with. -2 improbable, inconsistent. -3 Unequal. -4 Unesteemedl. -5 Unbecoming, improper. -6 Rude, ill-mannered, unpolished. -7 unobstructed, not hindered ; 11th 2 4V Rām. 6. 70. 131.
fa: . 1 Not associating with. -2 Incongruity, improbability. -3 (In Rhet. A figure of speech in which a cause and tits effect are roprosented as locally different or separated (in which there is an apparent violation of the relation between cause and effect); भिन्नदेशतयात्यन्तं कार्यकारणभूतयोः । युगपद्धर्मयोर्यत्र ख्यातिः सा स्यादina: II K. P. 10; far fara catania: fai Soat: ri fear: 944Fat: || Kuval.
SVETA «. Not united. -#: 1 Separation, lisunion. - Incongruity.
a . 1 Not unitoil or associated. -2 Not attached to the world.
Tafgy . Ved. 1 Persecuting those who are not (his) worshippers. -2 Having no enemies. T IAT . Ved. Not related by blood.
TASTICE . Without consanguinity or bloodrelationship.
srca a. Insensible; 4897 heyra 4974 TEUTA Rām. 6. 85. 18. - Disunion, disagroement, discord.
et a. 1 Not being or existing; H2H 441 11. 3. 3; 30 Ku. 1. 12; MH. 9. 154. -2 Nonexistent, unreal; 31141 USA : eufa. -3 Bad Copp. 1); courteta: R. 1. 10. -4 Wicked, vile, evil; fart. -5 Not manifest. -6 Wrony, improper, false, untrue; sf 95 at (oft. occurring in controversial works). -7 Not answering its purpose. m (E) Indra. ». () 1 Non-existence, non-entity; stagrar werd Rv. 10. 129. 1; 372 3749 Tail
9219a Tait. Up. 2.7.1; at fag 19: By. 2. 16. Ms. 12. 118; 1. 11, 14, 74. -2 An evil, a harm.
-3 Untruth, falsehood. - An unchaste woman; 3 1 Hafa Ho Pt. 1. 418. -Comp. -37 m. a
Brāhmana who roads heterodox works, one who neylects his own Salha and studies another; also called
TEZ. Innumerable. -4: 1 An epithet of Siya.--2 An opithet of Vişnu; V. Sahas. - 4 An
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