Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
objects of sense : HM. 1.1. -IT: 1 Absence,! Sfarga a. Ved. 1 Not to be killed, unussailable. disappearancer : रवेविषये किं न प्रदीपस्य प्रकाशनम् II.2.78. -2 Unbent, unbroken: 31 202 kafaga -2 Not un object of (:nything ), not within the reach
Av. 6. 27.1.-3 Not curved. of, beyond, transcendiny: 777124-1417 ATH S. 1: 477 THTU: Mal. 1. 30 beyond the reach (power)
sakta. Ved. 1 Not slipping, not falling. -2 of words: fratrevi
t . 3. t.
Undeviating. -3 Disregard of the objects of sense.
sat (34AH 2541 319-. 3. 158 ] A woman ifa T OH Not making anything an object of.
in her courses. Tata «. 1 Difficult to decide. H E4 Ms.
Taieri «. Not seeing; & 78764 8. 265. -2 Impracticable, unfeasible; (Bk.). -3 11
N. 1. 28. visible. - Intolerable, insupporta ble; 914
Taffet 4. Waveless.fe: N. of a particular hell; 14914 Ki. 4.30. 5 Inaccessible; 19 8 4 Mb. 34
+ 4 = Y. 3. 22. 2: a place 11. 20. 13.
of punishment for liars (27 49 FTSH994777149 T: A cock Pt. 3.
Bhay) - TITO: A particular Samadhi. rag Veil. Gladly accepting, protecting very
eft, -57% (3745) 1 Seedless; 374124419 47 carefully or attentively: 213-12 ani ai Rv.7. 28. 5. FOTOHTMs. 10. 71. -2 Impotent; Ms. 9. 79.-3 afte [ 317 ha falaf- Ha 1 Tr. 1
Having no prime cause. -J: Restraint, controlling
the mental passions. - Vine plant. -5TH 1 Bad 1 Wish to go ( 1 ): 351
seed, bod grain; of Ms. :). 201. -2 Absence of 9.38 3. -2 Wish.
seed. --Comp. -. Ved. not pernicions to mon. faty.. Ved. 1 Attackiny. -2 Besirous, wishing. -3 Violent, vehement. -4 Wishing to protect.
अवीनम् A variety of अनुमान or inference; (व्यनि
रेकमुखेन प्रवर्तमानं निषेधकमचीनम् ; यथा पृथिवी पृथिवीनरभिन्ना fa... [-44- 47) 1 Protection. -2 Gioing. 754991 Tr.). m. An vxtender, enlarger.
satt . 1 Unmanly, offeminate, weak; 347 Har f a ?: Non-contradiction; non-voilation of 3309art: Rv. 7. 61. t. cowardly. -2 Having no one's promise.
son (as a woman ). TO 7 61199 Ry. 7. 4.6.-3 fagafaa. Unfailiny, not false; Ki. 13. 15; I helpless.
helpless. - 4 Destitute of heroes or ren. TT A woman
Des 2 4a 1981 Dk. 67 entirely agreeing.
who has neithor sons nor husband: अजातपत्रा विधवा साऽवीरा
परिकीर्तिता; (opp. वीरा which is thus defined; पनिपुत्रवती sfera «. Not quitting, retaining, adhering to. 771 ai
:) Rv. 10. 86.9.: ai 24w. (-of) An intermittent fever'.
layan Bhay. 6. 28. 19. af- P HHH1914 faat. Of small extent or length, convise.
H: Ms. 1. 213; Y. 1. 163. faat: Absence of amplification or dill'useness.
3 .. Ved. Weak, ineffective. featufa. Not extentodel or sumplitiel, curtailed,
i . 1 Free from danger, safe. -2 Not hurting,
inoffensive, true. -3 Free from one who obscures.-74 concise.
1 Safety, peace, security. -2 Quiet, repose. fertaa . Compact, compressed, close. TECH N. of one of the five towns demanded
get a. Treeless, destitute of trees; 37 7
Rām. 4. 43. 28. by the Pandavas from the Kauravas. feTV 11. Not clear or plain, indistinct, obscure.
rata a. Ved. Straightforward, sincere, not
desorting ( friends); an epithet of the Adityas: - -UH An indistinct speech; alfa294 Ms. 1.93.
A: Ja a ta 377 377941 fter: Rr. 2. 27. 2. fakta «. Not desired (acima); mifaktant: faltas 196: Bri. Up. 4.3. 33. Rv. 1. 63. 2 doer of undesired acts; whose will cannot
ta a. 1 Unchecked, unimpeded. -2 Unselected. be a verted.
-3 Uncovered, unprotected. -4 Unsubdued. facra: Not confounded, full of courage; 312 Taguata Parti Siva. B. 86 also 92. 28.
sąra a. (2. a ] 1 Not existing, not present, not
being in. -2 Having no livelihood. -fe: /. 1 Absence sagt ind. Alas! S. 6.
of subsistence or means of livelihood, inadequate area. Unprescribed, forbidden.
support: अवृत्तिकर्षिता हि स्त्री प्रदुष्येत् स्थितिमत्यपि Ms. 9.74;
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