Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
fara a. Perennial; auf Tata E Harefafa Bhāg. 8. 24. 22.
अविदित a Unknown; °गतयामा रात्रिः U. 1. 27 the watches of which stole away (glided imperceptibly away). -2: The Supreme God.
streetary a. Ved. 1 Not delaying or hesitating; gaitaTYA Rv. 4. 31.7. -2 Shining.
S ET «. Not distant, near, contiguous; 3fatale: Ku. 7. 41. TH Proximity, vicinity. --
T ind. Near to, not far from ; so faqat s agit,-ima: -fart.
fui a. Innocent ; fed i gara perta Rām. 1.7. 11. Taça n. Sheeps milk; P. IV. 2. 36. Vart. 7.
forsa. Unpiercel. : A Yavana, because his ears are not pierced. Mar. 3 . uraavattuagaatal=
H TH: Siva. B. 18. 54. -Comp. -FUTT, -off [31: 3+ : quien: Fuitsent: ] N. of a plant (9731) Cissampelosllexaudra (Mar. WEISH ). E u. all-seeing; 3146794432 Bhāg. 8.3. 4. u. Having the rose not bored (said of a bull). - a. of unimpaired glory.
f . 1 Not educated, unlearned, foolish, unwise, अविद्यानां तु सर्वेषामीहात श्चेद्धनं भवेत् Ms.9.205. also 3 4 a. Mb. 5. 160. 61. -2 Not pertaining to knowledge. - 1 Ignorance, folly, want of learning. 311994 7 : Munt. Up. 1. 2.8. -2 Spiritual ignorance; Av. 11. 8. 23; Vāj. 10. 12. 14. -3 Illusion, illusion personnified or Māyā (a term frequently occurring in Vedanta ; by means of this illusion one perceives the universe, which does not really exist, as inherent in Brahman which alone really exists). The term appears also in the systems of Gautama, Patanjali, Kapila, where it has different bearings; (with Buddhists) ignorance together with nonexistence.
rah . Caused by ignorance or illusion. Stafeta. Ved. 1 Without a rent or hole. -2 Impenetrable, solid. 241 heraf: Rv. 1. 46. 15.
fertat Not a widow, a married woman whose husband is still living; Ha hata fra 19TEH Mc. 101 faut 9 Nāy. 5; 5 lae f 7171 अविधवाकरण नाम I Svapna. 1.1.
37191 iul. An interjection meaning "help, help used in calling for help in danger. cf. Pratijnā. 3.
TETT . [.4.) Deviating from the fixed rule, irregular. - Absence of definito rule; irregularity, cleviation from rule. -Comp. - ind. Not reconding to what is prescribed, irregularly; fag - jaft 44127 Sauna: Ms. 9. 144; 12.7.
Truth «. Non-injunctive; Non-injunctive statement; अविधायको मन्त्रः। न हि विधायकाविधायकयोरेकवाक्यत्वं wafa SB. on MS. 10. 8. 20.
faret a. Not lawful, contrary to rule. -fe: 1 Irregularity, absence of a rule or precept; -2 Undefina ble 10; 1960auffa Mh. 12. 19. 9. qan not according to rulo. así ha
aggi By. 9. 23; 16.17.
TITETU . Unmanageable, adverse; facial Mu. 4. 2;
1994 Dk. 161 not being influenced or swayed by &c.
fara: [Bara si, 319-77 Uņ. 2. 46 ) 1 A sacrificer. -2 An officiating priest at a sacrifice.
fra «. (2. a.) Immodest, insolent, ill-behaved ill-mannered. T: 1 Want of good manners or modesty ; agarsfa 1a: 971 : MN. 7. 40, 41. --2 Rude behaviour, rudeness, immolest or rude act; Pagata
K. 143; 3924 4 7979 791a219 S. J. 21; indecorum, impropriety of conduct. -3 Incivility, disrespect. -4 Offence, crime, fault; a atragi yi a
Mb. 3. 14. 22. 5 Pride, arrogance, insolence; 3a747a4 facont Sarkara.
farfa 1. 1 Imomodest, ill-bred, unmaniered, -2 Acting improperly, wicked, vile. -3 Insolent, rude. -4 Not tamed, ill-trained; Ms. 4.67; Y. 3. 155. ar An unchaste woman. aran a. Uncontrollable. fast a. Destructible. T: The Supreme God.
fatura: 1 Non-separation. -2 Inherent or essential character, inseparable connection. -3 Connec tion (in general); 3jartast 1949 71 774
K. P. 2.
TT: Absence of death, immortality: - far12 E TA Bu. Ch. 2. 18.
अविनिगमः An illogical conclusion.
Tara: /. Absence of destruction; fontiaa: San. K. 55. T OTO: Indexision, irresolution; Mb. 14.
strarafra «. Free from deceit or crime. sfarez: N. of : Raksasa, minister of Rāvana. -FEZT N. of a river.
aga . Not ripe (tig. also ); immature, unligested; 'gía inexperienced, of undeveloped understanding. TOT a. Having immature or undeveloped organs; sfat* 31
44: Y. 3. 141. gia. Having an immature or inexperienced mind.
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