Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
31 . Not fit to be borne.
«. Ved. [ 019-31 Favourable, kindly or favouriably disposed. अवि धाम शग्मियं सखायं वरुणम् Av.5.1. 9.-fe: 1 A shoop; (1. also in this sense); $121717aza Ms. 11. 134, 3. 6, 12. 35. - 2 The Sun. -3 N. of tree (34). -4 A yout. 5 A mountain. -6 Air, wind. -7 A woollen blanket (of the skin of unico). -8 A blanket, shawl in general. -9A woollen strainer for Soma juice). -10 A master. -11 A wall, enclosure. -12 A rat.-fe: /. 1 An owe; 319ftat 9 Satria 4 Bri. Up. 1.11.-2 Shame. -3 A woman in her courses. [cf. L. vris; Gr. ois ]
fari a 14h so 77 Nm. -Comp. - 21T A grammatical máxin according to which syfa: becomes fu. 72: [ 1 y P. V. 2. 29. Vart.) a flock of sheep. -error: [ 312 39 2: 370: #9: P. VI. 3. 10 ] a kind of tribute (consisting of sheep); 2 ST 1964: TITU: Mbh. 6.3. 10. -TretT FT N. of a plant (= 3751791). - PETH,
1994, h er, ach the milk of an ewe. -73: sheep's skin, a woollen cloth. -10: 37617 9134a 34. # ] # shepherd; Vai. 30. 11. -ray: a kind of grass liked by sheep; Panicuin Frumentaceum 2191 (Mar. Hal, a . - N. of a plant. -FUTUH sheep-place; N. of a town; अविस्थलं वृकस्थलं माकन्दी वारणावतम् Mb.
: [ Bata f., 3fa-3là: : P. V. 4. 28 ] A sheep. -का An ewe. सर्वाहमस्मि रोमशा गन्धारीणामिवाविका Rv. 1. 125. 7. -H A diamond. saar An ewe, a sheep.
f «. Closed, shut (as a flower).
fareficer. Not boasting, not bragging or vaunting. 312 T . One who does not boast, not vaunting
szatras R. 14. 73; fagia sa a Mu. 3.
f . 1 Unimpaired, not defective, entire, perfect, whole, all; affaziam Bh.2.40; Pt.5.26;
3 424 Me. 36; PAYT: Mal. 2. 11 full, fullor bed; 'sfrau: K. 35, 71 ; My. 2. 16, 4. 29; HT41 Mv. 5. 5 entirely, completely; uzasafah Ki. 18. 36 entire, supreme. -2 Regular, orderly ; con sistent, not discordant; al te af at: Si. ll. 10.
3fecit . Unchangeable.-29: 1 Absence of doubt -2 Absence of option or alternative. -3 Positive act or precept. -94 ini. Without doubt, unhesitatingly.
sfert . Immutable, unchangeable. -T: Inmutability.
frifta ... 1 Unchangeable, invariable; Mb. -2 l'aithful ;
*-*7f70: (VER17 ST ) Ms. 7. 190.
fro. Invaria ble 3 21szà By. 2. 25. sana. 'achangol
srferenfa: . 1 Absence of change. -2 (In San. Phil.) The inanimate principle called fa, regarded as the material cause of the universe: 241 8a: Sān. K.3.
अविक्रिय 4. Unchangorble, immutable: देशे देशे गुणेcazare : 1. 10. 17. - Braluman. - Unchangeableness.
sfareAT. (Vedānta Whose nature is un changeable. JashtHF: Mukti. Up. 2.7t.
steha. Powerless, feeble; fas 2017 p a ra: ki. 2. 11. -#: 1 Cowardice, timidity. - 2 Non-prohibition of the change of Visarga ito un Usman: Rv. Pr. 4. 11.
fa778 a. 1 Unsurpassel. -2 l'eeble, powerless. -3 See 3 +:.
Absence of fatigue, vigour, freshness. sfera a. Unimpaired, uninjured; unhurt, whole, entire; 19: Wie anfaaaaay Smriti. 311aca 72 72 Ki. 14. 17.
fefera 4. Unimpaired, unhurt; undiminished (Ved.). cf. also Te Tu fetighfarecht Rk. 2. 21.
fafert m. N. of a kiny, son of Kuru; Mb. 1. 238. Sala . (31 3571937P. VI. 2. 157-8. ] Unable to distribute or dispense ( 37 ), (raad शक्तः or यो न विक्षिपति); not distributing or badly clistributing
sifafera . 1 Not thrown away. -2 Attentive, composed.
Street 3. Invincible, that which cannot be disturbedd; अविक्षोभ्याणि रक्षांसि सा विधूयोत्पनिष्यति Ram. 6. 5. 17. strereroga a. Undisturbed. fara a. Not gone ofl', retained, present.
Tha. Unseparated, unremoved. #: Nonseparation, association, inherence, presence, existence.
syfama, -tfarira u. Without discord; Rāj. T.
अविग्नः N. of a fruit-tree (करमर्दक; Mar. करवंद). s ue a. [atta at 731 ]1 Bociless, incorporeul; epithet of the Supreme Being (who has no body ). -2 Not known. : (In yram.) A compound the sense of which cannot be exprsued by its constituent parts separately (faructura).
aga a Unimpederl, unobstructed; ovía a. unobstructed in oue's course. -a: Non-destruction.
quieraqa: Sān. K. 45.
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