Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
sraeta p. p. Abandoned, left; 349619T: FT: Dk. 129 over, at an end ; 3464 996 y S. 2 we being left behind, having fallen in the rear.
अवहालिका A wall. 3a (7) FETT, TT 1 Dissimulation in general. -2 Dissimulation or concealment of an internal feeling, regarded as one of the 33 subordinate feelings (rafata ); 79 c artufatareyr S. D.; or according to R. G. atetea na ga ra
4914 alat alasafe ; for ex. see Ku. 6. 8+, or Bv. 2. 80.
TaE 1 P. 1 To take away, put or lay aside; place down; 374 FitHIC Ed Hard Nir. -2 To hold, contain; 359496 Sk. -3 To throw or knock down (Ved.).
TagTOt 1 Taking away, removing. -2 Throwing a way. -3 Stenling, plundering. -4 Removing from the battle-field to the camp. -5 Re-delivery. -6 Temporary suspension of hostilities, truce.
Tagit: [ 3498- P. III. 1. 141 ] 1 A thief. -2 A shark, a water clephant. -3 Taking away the wealth of invitel Brahmaņas. --4 Tempoary cessation of hostilities, suspension of arms, truco; 7 7aa. EITI a Mb. 5. 182.30; 1. 190. 35. -5 Removing to the camp;aatsten af aa aa a Mb. -6 Cessation, stop (in general). -7 Summoning, inviting. -8 Any object fit to be brought near (3996024). -9 A postacy, abandoning a sector caste. -10 Redelivery, redeeming. -11 One who snatches away; starr Hitting 74: Bk. 6. SI.
TOKIT.. 1 One taking away from one place to another. -2 One who dosists from fighting. -3 Preventing, stopping. - A shark, a marine monster.
12 pot. p. 1 To be taken away or removed. -2 Fina ble, punishable; 31961 ha arra: 474 Ms. 8. 198. -3 What one is forced to restore or redeem; आधिश्चोपनिधिश्चोभौ न कालात्ययमर्हतः। अवहार्यो भवेतां at $17hat at ll Ms. 8. 145. -4 To be completed, -5 Recoverable, redeemable.
raka p. p. 1 Taken off, back or away. -2 Seized, stolen. -3 Fined.
31986, - Disrespect, disdain, contempt, disregard; सावहेलम् K.244; अवहेलां कुटज मधुकरे मा गाः Bv.1.6.
TAH, -#1 Disregard. tafsa a. Disregarded, slighted, contemned; किमिति बकैरवहेलितानभिज्ञैः Bv. 1. 8. -तम् Disregard.
अवह्वर a. [अव-ह-अच् ] Crooked. -र: A crooked way; (fig.) deceit.
STEC To call down from; fair 319 48114984 Ry. 5. 56.1. safn Ved. Not speaking. 349 Ved. Speechless.
37915 6 P. 1 To strew, pour upon; sprinkle with. -2 To ward off, remove; far agrafe 719 71 Ry. 8. 53. 4.
37 : A mint.
staret . [ 319-armario fato 27 ] A guardian, keeper.
37am a. [3497049482] Having the head bent down, stooping, bowed.
sala. [..] Speechless, dumb. *. Rrahman. -Comp. -HATIT a. beyond the power of thought and words, indescribable and inconceivable. fat a. deaf and dumb.
stars a. 1 Not proper to be addressed ; 3191 alat Fiat zarafat Ms. 2. 128. -2 Improper to be uttered; vile, bad; 391- azat
a qaar 79 Rām.; algia 467 afecafort haifai: By. 2. 36. -3 Not distinctly expressed, not expressible in words; ar, impropriety; reproach, calumny;
Ea area Ki. 11. 53. Comp. -at: 'the un speakable place', the vulva ( ).
starfs To tear away or out from.
37915, a. ( 372 349-3457-19) 1 Turned downwards, bent down, stooping; parlato 1999: Si. 6. 79; 4124134 13 dela: Ki. 14. 34. -2 Being or situated below, lower than with a bl.) 7919 1921: Bri. Up. 3. 8.3. -3 Headlony, looking downwards. -4 South. m., n. Brahman. - 1 The south. -2 The lower region.
Starga a. Turner, bent downwards; 27715237 neralsant Si.
salind. 1 Downwards; raga171 syla99 7 Bhāg. 12. 12. 11. -2 Southern, south ward. -Comp. 1997 disrespect. -gct ( 34214319a 9674T] N. of a plant Anethum Sowa Roxb (374:9 ). I: the part below. 2 a. southern.
per a. -Ter.) 1 looking downwards, with the face hung downwards; alegeref qafe: R. 2. 60; dyeastlagat: v 15. 78. -2 headlong. (-:) N. of a weapon, he: [349122: ar 31731 ] having the branches turned downwards', epithet of the sacred fig-tree 372 3 S at 12: Kath. 2. 6.1. -Trata. having the head hung downwards ; # a fa 44 BITT: Ms. 3. 249, 8. 94, 11. 73.
Taraftar a. [34217-a fatturatieadh P. V.4.8] 1 Downward, headlong -2 Southern. -3 Descended,
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