Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
TTTTT2: Bhay. 6. X. 16. -Comp. arg: : term for -3 Going (at the end of comp.),-T: 1 The spoke or radius 32797, fax , 3 7, and
as standing of a wheel: 3471 T H Mund. 2.2.6: Prasia. 9.6. between yowels and consonants: 34 II 1 .9 ( Iso ): : at WII: vargat: 1.1.81. चैव पश्रितो । अयोगवाहा विज्ञेया आश्रयस्थानभागिनः ।।
of. Io affidet Ryana 3a8%a24h Pratim. 3. 2. ata: (at or eft f.) The son of a Sudra man and
- 2 A spoke of the time wheel: a Jaina division of time.
-3 A corner (17) or angle: 417 41% Syāmāstava. Vaisy: woman; सरिधं वागुरावृत्तिं सूते दस्युरयोगवे Ms. 10. 32: seo 31131022: (his business is carpentry ).
-4 Moss (1917). -5=743 q. v. -6 N. of an ocean
in rahma's world; यदरण्यायनमित्याचक्षते ब्रह्मचर्यमेव तत्तदरश्च 3TITS, - U &c. roo under 3127.
720eur aagi Chan. Up. 8. 5.3. -Comp. -34FC 3TZIT: A blacksmith; Võj. 30.5.
(pl.) the intervals of the spoke: 791 9 TOTT . 1 Untit, improper, unsuitable, useless.
ataca V. 1. 5. -
, 58*: [
aza 4 ] 1 a wheel or machine for raising -2 Not ascertainable by senses.
water from a well (M:ir. TIEZ ). (It usually consists TITLE W. 1 No warrior, : bad warrior. -2 One of a single wheel with spokes on each side serving as who is not equalled by other warriors.
handles to turn it, and : rope with a bucket attachel 17. Not to be warred against, unassail: ble:
to it passes over this wheol):
7: Pt. 1 turnirresistible; 31923 Hai 331 fua : Rām.
ing this machine; at a bucket so rised: TA1721
ofthrin arata: lt. 1.-2 a deep well. - The capital of solar kinys, born of the line of Raghu, (the modern Oudl) situated on the river अरक: A spoke of a wheel. न नाभिभने ह्यर का वहन्ति Pt. Sarayu. 37399ETIH UZ I Bk. [It is 3TTET . 1 Not disturbed by evil spirits. -2 said to have extended 18 miles in length and 12 miles Harmless, honest. in breadth. It was also called Saketa, ond one of its
अरंक, -गम् Sie under अरम below. turbs was Nandi yrams, where Bharata lived governing the king lom luring the absence of Rama. The town
fat l'assionless: 41a: a passionless being; plays an important part in the story of the Ramayana: 51 class of divinities with Buddhists. the second book (347144193) dealing mostly with
TU, -73,-34TTET . 1 lustloss, clean, puro events that took place in the city during the youthful (fig also ); rara FATHATFIEY A4 Rant. 5. 18. 24. days of Rama. 1
-2 Free from passion (T ). 3 Not having the 3ffat . 1 Without origin or source, eternal:
inonthly courses. 1. (- :) A young girl who has alan Ku. 2.9.-2 Not bom from the womb:
not reached the age of puberty; : girl before born in a manner not approved by law or religion.
menstruation. -3Of unknown family; अयोनि च वियोनि च न गच्छेन 3 a Den. A. 1 To become dustless or pure. 972701: Mb. 13. 101. 33. - ./. 1 Not the womb; -2 To lose the monthly courses.
7 ir 1994 Y. 2. 28: Ms. 11. 174. -2 Not : particular verse of the Samveda. - 1 N. of
TET . Not consisting of or furnished with Brahmi and Siv:. -2 A pestle. -Comp. --, -SEHE
cords: 3175 74 kv. 2. 13. 9. #. A prison house. it. not born from the womb, not produced in the 34731 /. N. of a yoddess. Gobhil. ordinary course of generation; शरीरं द्विविधं योनिजमयोनिजं
TOT . (-uit :) Ved. 1 Departed, gone away; A T. S; TT 4 R. 11. 47, 48; müra
belonging to others, strange, unusual, foreign; distant, # H7141 My. 1. 30. (-37:) N. of Visņu. :,
remote (opp. 59, farzu or 3141); (Nay. grieved, a: N. of Siva. (-3), al N. of Sīta, daughter
sorry , 377861): inimical, hostile, with whom of Janaka, who was born from a furrow in a field;
one is not on speaking terms ). -2 Not fighting, -UTA Tar H a i qfa: f 2967 R. 11. 47:
1 Moving, going.-2 Entering into, being inserted. Mv. 1. 30.
-3 A refuge; faufa *HIZTOT : Bhay. 6. 9. 21. T . Without the words a: Vaj. 23.2.
utfot: 7., 8. oft f. [ 8-37 Uņ. 2. 101; BAT: अयोगपद्यम् Absence of simultaneity.
stagia:] A piece of wood of the Sami tree) used spuitfa ( .) Not etymologically derived as a
for kindling the sacred fire by attrition, the tireword).
producing wooden stick; प्रयच्छन्ति फलं भूमिररणीव हुताशनम्
Pt. 1.216.-oft (dual) The two pieces of wood used in Tofia. Inconsistent with reason, unreasonable. kindling the sacred fire. T halal dat: Katha. 37T 1. [surd 1 :41, 8-317 1 Speedy, swift. 4.8. -POT: 1 The sun. - 2 fire. -3 Flint. -4 N. of -2 Little. at an afz a
T. Up. 2.7.1. i several fire-producing plants, particularly 1944,
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