Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
TORT: f. 1 Failure, failing to be; TT 3742- संबन्धस्तात्पयर्यानुपपत्तितः Bhasa. P.82 (तात्पर्य being the failure of the meaning aimed at, or of any connected merning). -2 Inapplicability, not being applicable. -3 Inconclusive reasoning; absence of reasonablo grounds (219); -4 Penury, adversity.
3 19a a. Improper, impossible, inapplicable, impractica blo, inconclusive, irrelevant. Här qui fear न भुक्क्ते इत्यत्र दिवाऽभोजिनः पीनत्वं रात्रिभोजन विनानुपपन्नम् see 3019ft also.
TIFT: 'Having no material parent'. N. of a class of Buddhas, called Dhyānibuddhus.
309 . [7. a.] Incomparable, matchless, peerless, best, most excellent. - a: N. of a contemporary of Sakya muni. -At The female elephant of the southwost (mate of 7).
BI791,-fa a. Matchless, incomparable. 19 Non-refutation of a charge.
34TTY «. 1 Not used (an food). -2 Unsuited, untit, improper, useless, umserviceable:
- atar 4 $. 7. HT T «. Useless. ---T: Uselessness, not being used (as food). s a a. 1 Not dead.--2 Not stopped, uninterrupted.
1995 a. Unobserved, unperceived.
3T2gfef. Non-recognition, non-perception (9 1 ); afta 5935: (the knowledge of
21419 is possible because the varit or counter-entity is not found with the non-entity or 37719, that is, there being no 395 or larowledge of the 73 ); ono of the instruments of knowledge according to the Mimā insa kas, but not according to the Naiyāyikas. -Comp. - :: fallacy, trying to establish: fact
say, the eternity of sound from the impossibility of seeing the non-perception of it. SETIH: Want of apprehension; non-perception.
3477ata m. One who does not wear the sacred thread belonging to his caste).
3994: Any thing or circumstance that yra vates a malady:
1997 .. 1 Following with his looks, kooping in view. -2 One who sees; Pātanjala Yogadarsana 2. 21. P. III. 1. 137.
अनुपसंहारिन् m. A kind of हेत्वाभास or fallacy in Nyāya, a subdivision of the 31 F ECHA; 70717921STE that is, that which includes every konwn thing in the 97 and thus prevents the corroboration of it general rule of causation by illustrations, positive or novative; as far a : 317 +29 421911 हेतुरनुपसंहारी अन्वये व्यतिरेके वा दृष्टान्ताभावा..
ITT: 1 A word particle &o.) that is not, or has not the force of, an Upasarga. - 2 That which has no Upasarga. -3 That which needs 110 additions as a divine being).
1994 « An independent word, i.e. a word which is not relegated to a subordinato position (by entering into a compound formation) P. IV.1. 14.
WITÀ . Having no 377 ic. some condiment, sauce, curds &c. to moisten food with. S a a. 1 Unpolished as silver). -2 Genuine, blameless. -3 Not cooked or dressed as food). -4 Not requiring any evident object. -5 Without any doubt in mind; taka TA1911 yaar: alfari: 1
4 yrat war 49727Tat: 11 Mb. 12. 11. 25. -6 Selfless, without wreed or motivo; INST439: Ms. 10. 62.
अनुपस्कार a. Notelliptical (अध्याहारदोषरहित) Ki.11.28. HTTETTAH Absence, not being at hand.
31994199 Not placing, offering or producing, not having ready or at hand.
19 a a. Not ready or at hand, not offered or produced.
31TTEN a. Not present, absent, distant.
sagitera a. Not present, absent, not at hand or near; not current. -14 A word that is not
s q .v. 179ffufa: f. 1 Absence: HH Hai 97: your honour will be pleased to excuse my absence. -2 Inability to remember.
37967 a. 1 Not injured, unimpaired, unvitiated. -2 Not used, un bleached, new (as cloth); 154 K. 110. 229. See 34916T.
317912 1. 1 To drink after (:1 person or thing), drink along with; ( rar)... 39 917719
H R. 8. 68; FH1Y7H27 igra Susr.; (7) लीढ़वानुपीत्वा च पयोऽनिशक्त्या कामं निकामं पुरुषो निषेवेत् । Br. S. 76.6. -2 To follow in drinkiny. -3 (21) = 3194 q. v.
37TH 1 A drink taken with or after medicine (3139517 8 TUE 27 Tilaa ); : fluid vehiclo in medicine. -2 A drink close at hond. Bargari t a fefa 1917 Ch. Up. 1. 10.3.
rata. Sorving as a liquid vehicle of medicine. -T4 An after-drink, what is fit to be drunk after.
179 2 P. - 10 P. 1 Touard, watch over, protect, defend; afwaar fi arzi Ms. 8. 27 keep in custody. -2 To conform to, obey, observe; 1749–19491747 K. 21: ST
H. 4. 23; so SETH, #4, HTH de.: keep, preserve: 349973577
ei ki. 2.10 watching.
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