Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
a conjoint consonant by ņ: dampa (1. 4)= Pali dappa=Sk. darpa 1; samdaņsayamto (I. 7) = Pāli samdassayamto=Sk. sandarśayan ; akhadamsa (IX) - Pāli akkhadassa =Sk. akşadarśa ? ; in its tendency to dispense with tsound in the middle of a word ; cavuthe (I. 5)= Ardha-Māgadhi cautthe = Pāli catuithe ; and in its tendency to represent kl by h : siharāni (1.13)= Ardha-Māgadhi siharāni = Pāli sikharāni.
If Mr. R. D. Banerji's reading dhut[u]nā be correct, we find in it another point of agreement between the language of the old Brāhmi inscriptions and Ardha. Māgadhi : dhutunā (II)=Ardba-Māgadhi dhutuņā= Păli dhītunā.
In pāờiyo (I. 2) = Sk. pālīḥ= Pāli and ardha- Māgadhi pāliyo, one has an exceptional instance, where l is represented by d= Pāli ?. In veduriya (1, 10, I. 15)=Sk. vaidūrya, one has a case, in which d is represented by d=!. In raņa (I. 7)=Sk. paņa and in dapa (if it is a correct reading)=Sk. drava, we have a case, in which p and v are interchanged. In palikhāni (I. 13)=Sk. parighān and in samghālam (I. 12)=Sk. samkhyālam, ove has a case, in which ich and gh are interchanged. In lenin=Sk. layanam, one has a case, in which the dental nasal is represented by the cere. bral. In Madhuram (I. 9)=Sk. Mathurām, one has a case, in which th is represented by dh. But these are exceptions which are met with equally in Pali. ! Regarding the use of two spellings of pāli as pāli and pāli, of Lāļa as Lāla and Lāla, and of lena as lena and ļena in Pāli, Dr. E. Müller's observations are worth quoting: “ It is very difficult to give exact rules for the use of l as the manuscripts are even less consistent in this respect than with regard to the dental and cerebral n."3
As regards palikhāni =Sk. parighān, the usual Pāli spelling is palighāni or palighāni. The palikha spelling occurs in one of the Jātaka verses (Fausbölls Jataka, Vol. VI, P. 276):–
Esikā parikhāyo ca palikham aggalāni ca. The commentator suggests paligha as an alternative reading : palikhan ti paligham, ayam era vā pātho. “Here palikha means paligha. This paligha may also be the intended reading."
1. If dapa be the correct reading, the word must be equated with Pāli and Ardha. Māgadhi dava, and Sk. drava.
2. The only exception in Pāli is lomahamsa=lomaharga, 3. E, Müller's Pali Grammar, p. 27.
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