Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
VOLS. XXVII AND XXVIII. The Sacred Books of China.
The Texts of Confucianism. Translated by JAMES LEGGE. Parts III and IV. The Lî Kî, or Collection of Treatises on the Rules of Propriety, or Ceremonial Usages. 8vo, cloth,
I 25. 6d, each. VOL. XXIX. The Grihya-Sûtras, Rules of Vedic Domestic Ceremonies.
Part I. Sânkhâyana, Asvalâyana, Pâraskara, Khâdira. Translated by HERMANN OLDENBERG. 8vo, cloth, 125. 6d. These rules of Domestic Ceremonies describe the home life of the ancient Aryas with a completeness and accuracy unmatched in any other literature.
Some of these rules have been incorporated in the ancient Law-books. VOL. XXX. The Grihya-Sûtras. Part II. [In the Press.] VOL. XXXI. The Zend-Avesta.
Part III. The Yasna, Visparad, Âfrînagân, Gâhs, and Miscellaneous Fragments. Translated by L. H. Mills. 8vo,
cloth, 125. 6d. VOL. XXXII. Vedic Hymns.
Translated by F. Max Müller. Part I. [In the Press.] VOL. XXXIII. The Minor Law-books.
Translated by JuliuS JOLLY. Part I. Nárada, Brihaspati.
8vo, cloth, ios. 6d. VOL. XXXIV. The Vedanta-Sûtras, with the Commentary by Sankarâkârya.
Translated by G. THIBAUT. 8vo, cloth, 12s.6d. VOL. XXXV. The Questions of King Milinda. Trans
lated from the Pâli by T. W. Rhys Davids. 8vo, cloth, 1os.6d. VOL. XXXVII. The Contents of the Nasks, as stated
in the Eighth and Ninth Books of the Dînkard. Translated
by E. W. West. [In the Press.] VOLS: XXXIX AND XL. The Sacred Books of China. The Texts of Taoism. Translated by JAMES LEGGE.
[In the Press.] *** The Second Series will consist of Twenty-four Volumes in all.
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