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क्षेत्रे हितं पाशुपते चकार भोः तस्माद्धि सर्व व्रतमात्मकामदं ॥ धृत्वा समाराधितुमम्बिकापदं सोत्कण्ठमारम्भमहं चकार हा ॥ शतद्रुनद्याः सुतटे सुखप्रदे सुदीर्घकालं ह्यनुतिष्ठतोपि मे । सुखं प्रसादोपि बभूव किंचन ततोपि तृप्तिर्न तु मे हि पुष्कला ॥ पुनश्च शैलेन्द्रसुते हि पर्वते गिरीन्द्रकन्यानयनस्थले शुभे। पुरश्च कृत्वा द्विजवर्यमाप्तवान् विधाय यज्ञं गिरिजा प्रतोषिता॥
Then Kālikā makes her appearance before him in all her terrible grandeur, reminds him of his former existence, and teaches him Brahmavidyā :
गोविन्दवाचं शृणु मे हितां ते ब्रह्मात्मविद्यां सुखबोधहेतुं । विश्वादिविद्याप्रदशङ्करेण या भाषिता मे रजताद्रिश्यङ्गे ॥
The 1st chapter ends in leaf 7B.
Then comes what this defective manuscript calls the 4th chapter, the colophon of which has been given above. Here the interlocution between the Devi and the Ācārya is stated to end.
Then comes what is called the 2nd chapter which ends in leaf 14A and is followed by chapter III to VI.
Although stated at the end to be consisting of six adhyāyas, it has really seven adhyāyas.