Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Primary Word-Units
oneself up to the sentiments of 975. IA ECO Inst. sing. of the desire and anger i. e. one who is mas. form of the comp. adj. Kāmapassionate ) 16. 12.
rūpa (See No. 974 ) 3. 39. 967. gryfayar# Gen. plu. of 976. #1 craffiat: Nom, plu. of the mas. form of the comp. adj. the mas. form of the comp. past Kāmakrodhaviyukta (One who is pass. participial adj. Kāmasamkalpafree from the sentiments of desire varjita (Free from thoughts about and anger ) 5. 26.
the desired objects or from desires 968. FIA W
and thoughts about them) 4. 19. RTH Acc. sing. of the mas. form of the comp. adj. Kāma
Nom. sing. of the krodhodbhava (That which arises ne
es neu. form of the comp. adj. Kāmafrom the sentiments of desire and
haituka (That which has for its moanger) 5. 23.
tive the fulfilment of a desire or
that which has desire as its motive ) 969. Here Nom. sing. of the fem.
16. 8. comp. noun Kāmadhuk (She who
978. AF Acc. sing. of the mas. yields the desired objects like milk )
noun Kāma ( A longing or desire for 10. 28. 970. FIT Æ The mas. comp.
the objects of enjoyment) 16. 10,
18; 18. 53. noun Kāmabhoga with the suffix
979. FIA: Nom. sing. of the mas. Artham having the sense of the
noun Kāma (See No. 978 ) 2. 62; dat. case-termination (For the sake of enjoyment of the desired
3. 37; 7. 11 ; 16. 21. objects) 16. 12.
980. FTATT Abl. sing. of the mas. 971. HINĮ Loc. plu. of the noun Kāma ( See No. 978 ) 2. 62. mas. comp. noun Kāmabhoga 981. Ararat: Nom. plu. of the (Enjoyment of the desired objects) mas, form of the comp. adj. Kāmāt16. 16.
man (One whose heart is full of 972. #IATIITOetaar: 'Nom, plu, of i. e. who has identified oneself the mas. form of the comp. adj. with desires ) 2. 43. Kāmarāgabalānvita (Backed up by or 982. FIATT Acc. plu. of the mas. invested with the strength derived noun Kāma ( See No. 978) 2. 55, 71; from attachment towards the desired 6. 24; 7. 22. objects ) 17. 5.
983. FIAT: Nom. plu, of the mas. 973. FIATTfaafia Nom. sing. of noun Kāma (See No. 978 ) 2. 70. the neu. form of the comp. past pass. 984. F ar Inst. sing. of the participial adj. Kāmarāgavivarjita mas. form of the comp. adj. Kāmepsu (Devoid of attachment towards the (One who longs for the fulfilment objects of desire ) 7. 11.
of desires ) 18. 24. 974. Fra 19h. Acc. sing. of the 985. FIA: Inst. plu. of the mas. mas. form of the comp. adj. Kāma- noun Kāma (See No. 978 ) 7. 20. rūpa (He who has the form or the
be the form or the 986. THITHITTTAT: Nom. plu. of nature of desire ) 3. 43.
the mas. form of the comp. adj.
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