Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Primary Word-Units
745. Jaafa The neu. noun 757. 5fT3 Ind. past participle of Utsādana with the suffix Arthan the root Diś with the prefix Ud (To having the sense of the dat. case- point or aim at ) 17. 21. termination (For the sake of sup- 758. Jeta: Adv., Ind., made from pression ) 17. 19.
the noun Uddeśa by adding the 746. Jana Pass. 3rd pers. plu. suffix Tas (Succinctly or princiof the 6th conj. root Sad with the pally ) 10. 40. prefix Ud (To sink down or to be 759. J Pot. 3rd pers. sing. of languid ) 1. 43.
the root Hr with prefix Ud (To 747. graag: Pot. 3rd pers. plu. of draw out or raise up ) 6. 5. the 6th conj. root Sad with the 760. #9: Nom. sing. of the mas. prefix Ud (See No. 746 ) 3. 24. noun Udbhava (Source of birth ;
748. JEST Pres. 1st pers. sing. genesis ) 10. 34. of the root Srj with the prefix Ud 761. qat: Nom. plu. of the mas. (To release or abandon) 9. 19. form of the past pass. participial adj.
749. 3254 Ind. past participle Udyata (Has proceeded or is of the root Srj with the prefix Ud prepared ) 1. 45. (See No. 748) 16. 23 ; 17. 1.
762. JUFT Ind. past participle of 750. Cara Loc. sing. of the neu. the root Yam with the prefix Ud (To comp. noun Udapāna (A receptacle lift up ) 1. 20. of water; a well ) 2. 46.
763. a Pres. 3rd pers. sing. 751. TETTT: Nom. plu, of the mas. of the 6th conj. root Vij with the form of the adj. Udāra (Noble, prefix Ud (To be afflicted or g magnanimous or worthy of praise ) or to fear) 12. 154. 7. 18.
764. gfe Pot. 3rd pers. sing. 752. Jerefter The pres. partici- of the 6th conj. root Vij with the pial adj. Udāsina with the affix prefix Ud (See No. 763 ) 5. 20. Vat having the sense of likeness 765. fFH97 Nom. sing. of the (Like one who is indifferent ) 9. 9; mas. form of the pres. participle 14. 23.
Unmişat (Opening one's eyes ) 5. 9. 753. grieta: Nom. sing. of the 766. 341ga Pres. 3rd pers. sing. mas. form of the pres. participial of the root Jan-jā with the prefix adj. Udásina ( Indifferent ) 12. 16. Upa (To be produced) 2. 62, 65 ;
754. JFICE Acc. sing. of the neu. 14. 11. form of the past participial adj. 767. 395710a Pres. 3rd pers. plu. Udāhrta (Said or designated as ) of the root Jan-jā with the prefix 13. 6; 17. 19, 22; 18. 22, 24, 39. Upa ( See No. 766 ) 14. 2.
755. Jyra: Nom. sing. of the 768. 3 6a Pres. 3rd pers. sing. mas. form of the past participial adj. of the root Hu with the prefix Upa Udāhrta (Soc No. 754) 15. 17. (To offer as an oblation ) 4. 25.
756. The Ind. past participle 769. 39987a Fut. 3rd pers. plu. of the root Hr with the prefixes Ā of the root Dis with the prefix Upa and Ud (To say or speak ) 17. 24. (To teach ) 4. 34.
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