Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Primary Word-Units
5. 16; 6. 52, 6, 11, 19; 8. 12; 10. 564. stafafur: Nom. sing. of the 18, 19; 16. 21, 22; 17. 19; 18. 39. mas. comp. noun Atmavinigraha For the occurrence of this word in (Complete control over one's lower 10. 19 see the note in Entry No. 565 self) 13. 7 ; 17. 16. infra.
565. Tren Tay: Nom. plu. of the 555. 37TATTE Loc. plu. of the fem. comp. noun Atmavibhūti ( The mas. comp. noun Atmaparadeha objects in which one's self has (One's own and another's body ) become manifest ) 10. 16, 19. In 10. 16. 18.
19 Rämānuja reads fazana: THT: 556. THEIGNET Nom. sing.
for दिव्या ह्यात्मविभूतयः. So far as sense of the neu. form of the comp.
is concerned the only difference adj. Atmabuddhiprasādaja (Result
between the readings is that while ing from the favour of one's own the manifestations are celestial" intellect) 18. 37.
according to the other commenta557. 3767764: Nom. sing. of the
tors, they are “ auspicious" accord
ing to Rāmānuja. The term vibhūti mas. form of the comp. adj. Atmabhāvastha (Residing in the form of
is spelt by him with a long i at the self-consciousness ) 10. 11.
end. As to the possible changes in
the entries if that reading is approv558. STAA1471 Inst. sing. of the
ed see the note in the Entry as to fem. comp. noun Atmamāyā (One's
the word foer:. own Māyā i.e. power of manifesta
566. Trafaggu Dat. sing. of the tion of oneself in a variety of forms) A
fem. comp. noun Atmavisuddhi 4.6. 559. TAUT Abl. sing. of the 6. 12.
(Complete purification of oneself ) mas. comp. noun Atmayoga (One's 567. TECO Dat. sing. of the own Yoga i. e. the Aiśvara-yoga) fem. comp. noun Ātmaśuddhi (Puri11. 47.
fication of oneself ) 5. 11. 560. Stratfa: Nom. sing. of the 568. STEFarfaat: Nom. plu. of mas. form of the comp. adj. Atmarati the mas. form of the comp. adj. (One who entertains love for one's Ātmasambhāvita (One who has a self as opposed to that for another preponderating sense of self-resindividual) 3. 17.
pect ) 16. 17. 561. Saat Acc, sing. of the569. OTHETAHT Loc. sing. of mas, form of the adj. Atmavat (One the mas. comp. noun Atmasamyamawho has acquired control over his yogāgni ( The fire of the Yoga conheart) 4. 41.
sisting of self-control) 4. 27. 562. TEATFO: Inst. plu. of the 570. TAIFY Acc. sing. of the neu. form of the comp. -adj. Atma- neu. form of the comp. adj. Atmavagya (That which is under one's samstha (Reposing within itself) control) 2. 64.
6. 25. 563. TRACI Nom. sing. of the 571. 37# Nom. sing. of the promas. form of the adj. Atmavat (See noun Ātman (See No. 552) 6. 52,6%; No. 561 ) 2. 45.
7. 18; 9.5; 10. 20; 13. 32.
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