Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Primary Word-Units
TL17. 2X
466. 37OTEUTETT: Nom. plu. of the 478. 3 7: Nom. sing. of the mas. mas. form of the comp. pres. parti- form of the comp. adj. Asakta (See cipial adj. Aśraddadhat (See No. 465) No. 477) 3. 7, 192, 25. 9. 3.
479. 37TTAT Nom. sing. of the 467. 3 &OT Inst. sing. of the fem. mas, form of the comp. adj. Asakcomp. noun Aśraddhā (Absence or tātman (One whose heart is not want of faith) 17. 28.
attached to anything ) 5. 21. 468. Tequila STOTA Acc. sing. of 480. Staff: Nom. sing. of the fem. the mas. form of the comp. adj. noun Asakti (Absence of attachment) Aśrupūrņākulekşaņa (One whose 13. 9. eyes have been filled up with tears 481. TOT Inst. sing. of the and appear confused) 2. 1.
neu. comp. noun Asangasastra ( I'he 469. Tit Aor. 1st pers. sing. weapon of non-association ) 15. 3. of the verb Sru (To hear ) 18. 74. 482. a: Gen. sing. of the neu!
470. 3747727 Acc. sing. of the mas. form of the comp. adj. Asat used noun Asyattha (The Pippala tree) as a noun (A non-existing thing ) 15. 1, 3.
2. 16. 471, 3724: Nom. sing. of the mas. 483. AT Nom. sing. of the neu. noun Asvattha ( See No. 470 ) 10. 26. form of the comp. adj. Asat used as
472. 37TAT Nom. sing. of the a noun (See No. 482 ) 9. 19; 13. 12; mas. noun Asvatthäman (The name
17. 28. of the son of Arjuna's preceptor
484. au Nom. sing. of the Drona) 1. 8.
neu. form of the comp. adj. Asatksta 473. PUTIH Gen. plu. of the mas.
(Not well-done ) 17. 22.
485. Tha: Nom. sing. of the noun Aśva ( A horse ) 10. 27.
mas. form of the comp. adj. Asatksta 474. afat Acc. dual of the mas.
(Not treated with due respect ) noun Asvin, always used in the dual
11. 42. as Asvinau (The joint name of the
486. TH Acc. sing. of the neu. twin gods in the Vedic pantheon
form of the comp. adj. Asatya (Un
fr of 33 gods ) 11. 6, 22.
real or false ) 16. 8. 475. BOUT Adv. Ind. (In eight 487. 3651E Acc. plu. of the ways ) 7. 4.
mas. comp. noun Asadgrāha (False 476. aug: Nom. sing. of the or unfounded prejudice ) 16. 10. mas. form of the comp. adj. Asakta- 488. 37TTEXT: Nom. sing. of buddhi. This word forms part of the mas. form of the comp. adj. the expression असक्तबुद्धिः सवेत्र (One Asannyastasamkalpa [One who has who is free from a sense of attach- not given up thoughts (of having ment everywhere ) 18. 49.
objects of sense-enjoyment) ] 6.2. 477. 378 Nom. sing. of the 489, 37€TTCT# Acc. sing. of the neu. neu. form and acc. sing. of the mas. form of the comp. adj. Asapatna form of the comp. adj. Asakta (That for which there is no rival (Unattached ) 9.9 ; 13. 14,
claimant ) 2. 8. 21.
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