Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Primary Word-Units
422, strauraxa: Nom. sing. of the adj. Avyakta or such an adj. used mas. form of the comp. adj. Avi- as a noun ( See No. 429 ) 8. 18, 20. paścit used as a noun (One who is 433. 3784[TEIA Nom. plu. of the not learned or wise ) 2. 42.
neu. form of the comp. adj. Avyak423. Bfar Nom. sing. of the tādi (That which was unmanifest in neu. form of the comp. adj. Avi- the beginning ) 2. 28. bhakta ( Undivided ) 13. 16; 18. 20. 434. Typ e r Gen. plu, of
24. Ha Fut. 1st pers. sing. of the mas. form of the comp. adj. the root Iks with the prefix Ava Avyaktāsaktacetas (One whose mind (To look at ) 1. 23.
is exclusively devoted to the 425. Sau Ind. past participle of Avyakta ) 12. 5. the root Iks with the prefix Ava 435. 364an oft Nom. sing. of the (See No. 424) 2. 31.
fem. form of the comp. adj. Avya426. 374 Tavafa Nom. plu. of bhicārin (Singular i. e. not alloyed the neu. form of the comp. adj. by the diversion of the mind to Avyaktanidhana (That which meets any other object) 13. 10. with its end in the Avyakta, The 436. sqftator Inst. sing. of Uninanifest) 2. 28.
the fem. form of the comp. adj. 427. 37aftar Inst. sing. of the Avyabhicärin (See No. 435 ) 18. 33. fem. comp. noun or of the mas. 437. sayfartor Inst. sing. of the form of the comp. adj. Avyakta- mas, comp. noun Avyabhicāra used mūrti (The form of the Avyakta, in an adverbial sense (Singularly ) or he who has the Avyakta as his 14. 26. form ) 9.4.
438. Mote Gen. sing. of the 428. 37 Loc. sing. of the
mas. form of the comp. adj. Avyaya mas. form of the comp. adj. Avyak- (That which is not destructible or tasanjñaka ( That which is designated
eradicable:) 2. 17 ; 14. 27. as the Avyakta ) 8.18.
439. sro Acc. sing. of the mas. 429. 3767777 Acc. sing. of the mas.
form of the comp. adj. Avyaya (See form, or nom.or acc. sing. of the neu.
No. 438) 2.21 ; 4.1, 13; 7. 13, 24, form of the comp. adj. Avyakta
25; 9.2, 13, 18; 11. 2, 4 ; 14. 5; 15. or such an adj. used as a noun
1,5; 18. 20, 56. (Unmanifest or The Unmanifest ) 7,24 ; 12. 1, 3; 13.5.
440. : Nom. sing. of the mas. 430. 3547: Nom. sing. of the mas.
form of the comp. adj. Avyaya (Sec form of the comp. adj. Avyakta
1+ No. 438 ) 11. 18; 13. 31; 15. 17. or such an adj. used as a noun
441. 37TyUrĦT Nom. sing. of the (See No. 429) 2. 25; 8.20, 21.
mas. form of the comp. adj. Avya431. 37* Nom. sing. of the yātman ( One who is indestructible fem, form of the comp. adj. Avyakta by nature ) 4. 6. (Scc No. 429 ) 12. 5.
442. go# Acc. sing. of the fem. 432. 3722617 Abl. sing. of the form of the comp. adj. Avyaya ( See mas. or neu. form of the comp. No. 438 ) 2. 34.
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