Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Bhagavadgitā Word-Index Pt. I A
ning) 13.12. The expression of which 171. 3 . Nom. sing. of the this word forms a part in the vulgate mas. form of the comp. adj. Anais paita Ag. It means 'the Higher maya (Harmless or faultless) 2. 51; Brahma which is beginningless'. Here 14. 6. the word 'Anādimat' has the same 172. 377777*HTC Abl. sing. of the meaning as the word ' Anādi' and mas. comp. noun Anārambha (nonSankara who gives the above inter- commencement) 3. 4. pretation says that the mat-pratyaya 173. sardith Nom. sing. of the is redundant and serves only the pur- neu. form of the comp. adj. Anāryapose of making up the required num- justa (That which is not entertainber of syllables in the line in which ed by an Arya or that which is enterit occurs. He further notices an tained by an Anārya) 2. 2. alternative interpretation according 174. warąifth Acc. sing. of the to which the words in the expression
fem. comp. noun Anāvștti (Non
fem are Anādi, matparaṁ and Brahma
return) 8. 23, 26. and the word matpara there is an adj.
175. aparata: Gen. sing. of the qualifying the word Brahma and
mas. form of the comp, adj. Anāśin means 'that of which Väsudeva is the
(That which is not liable to destrucParā Śakti'. He, however, rejects this
tion) 2. 18. interpretation saying that what is meant here is the pure Brahma which 176. tamera: Nom. sing. of the is explained in the very next line as mas. form of the comp. past particibeing neither Sat nor Asat. Rāmā- piai ad). Anasrita (One who
pial adj. Anāśrita (One who is not nuja though adopting the latter way dependent on another) 6. 1. of separating the parts, explains 177. 3faasa: Nom. sing. of the the expression to mean the begin- mas. form of the comp. adj. Aniketa ningless Brahma (i, e. the indivi. (One who has no fixed abode) 12. 19. dual soul) than whom I am higher'. 178. 3 Nom. sing. of the The rest of the description of the mas. form of the comp. past particithing to be known given in this pial adj. Anicchat (Unwilling) 3. 36. chapter shows that this is a very 179. fua Acc. sing. of the mas. laboured and far-fetched interpreta- form of the comp. adj. Anitya tion.
(Impermanent or transient) 9. 33. 168. WarsTheTTAĦ Acc. sing. of 180. sfacat: Nom. plu. of the the mas. form of the comp. adj. mas. form of the comp. adj. Anitya Anādimadhyānta (One who has no (See No. 179 ) 2. 14. beginning, middle or end ) 11. 19. 181. a n Acc. sing. of the
169. Baca Acc. sing. of the mas. mas. form of the comp. pot. particiform of the comp. adj. Anādi (One pial adj. Anirdesya (That which canwho is beginningless ) 10.3.
not be referred to by specch) 12. 3. 170. 37TCT Acc. dual of the neu. 182. Teh Nom. sing. of the neu. form of the comp. adj. Anādi (See form of the comp. adj. Anista ( That No. 169) 13. 19.
which is not desirable ) 18. 12.
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