Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
सर्ववित् Bhagavadgita Word-Index Pt. I A
सर्वेषाम् 3576. paiga Nom. sing. of the 3587. gaTEHTficarft Nom. sing. of mas. comp. noun Sarvavid ( One who the mas. comp. noun Sarvārambhaknows everything ; hence a knower parityāgin (One who has given up of Brahman) 15. 19.
the habit of making of any begin3577. a urter Gen. plu. of the ning) 12. 16 ; 14. 25. mas. comp. noun Sarvavřkşa (All3588. Fatih: Nom, plu. of the the trees) 10. 26.
mas. comp. noun Sarvārambha (All 3578. gada Loc. plu. of the mas. beginning ) 18. 48. comp. noun Sarvaveda (All the 3589. paruia Acc. plu. of the mas. Vedas ) 7.8.
comp. noun Sarvärtha ( All the ob3579. adat: Adv. Ind. (Entirely jects) 18. 32. or all round) 1. 18; 2. 58, 68; 3. 23,
, 3590. aastaga Acc. sing. of the 27; 4. 11 ; 10.2 ; 13. 29.
mas. form of the comp. adj. Sarvā3580. ESTE Nom. sing. of scarvamava (Wonderful in all rethe mas. comp. noun Sarvasamkalpasannyäsin (One who has given up
3591. at: Nom, plu. of the fem. all thoughts about one's future) 6. 4.
form of the pronoun Sarva (See 3581. Het Gen. sing. of the mas.
No. 3532) 8. 18; 11. 20; 15. 13. or neu, form of the pronoun Sarva (See No. 3532) 2. 30; 7. 25; 8. 9;
3592. Nom. plu. of the mas. 10.8; 13. 17; 15. 15; 17.3, 7.
form of the pronoun Sarva (See 3582. agt: Nom. sing. of the
No. 3532 ) 1. 6, 9, 11; 2. 12, 70; mas. form of the comp. adj. Sarva. 4. 19, 30; 7.,18; 10. 13; 11. 22, hara used a noun (He who carries 32, 30; 14. 1. away everything before him ) 10. 34. 3593. Harga OTTHIHF Nom. sing.
3583. # Acc. sing. of the mas. of the neu, form of the comp. adj. or nom. or acc. sing. of the neu. Sarvendriyaguņābhāsa (That which form of the pronoun Sarva (See has as its reflections the attributes of No. 3532 ) 2. 17; 4. 33, 36; 6. 30; all the organs of sense ) 13. 14. 7. 7. 13, 19; 8. 22, 28 ; 9. 4; 10. 8, 3594. Rafagfaara Nom. sing. 14: u. 40; 13. 13; 18. 46.
of the neu. form of the comp. past 3584. : Nom. sing. of the mas. pass. participial adj. Sarvendriyaform of the pronoun Sarva (See vivarjita (That which is devoid of No. 3532) 3. 5; 11. 40.
all organs of sense or that from 3585. raffor Nom. or acc. plu. of which all organs of sense are exthe neu. form of the pronoun Sarva cluded ) 13. 14. (See No. 3532) 2. 30, 61 ; 3. 30; 3595. aru: Abl. plu. of the mas. 4. 5, 27; 7. 6; 9. 6; 12. 6; 15. 16. form of the pronoun Sarva (See
3586. gaia Acc. plu. of the mas. No. 3532 ) 4. 36. form of the pronoun Sarva (See 3596. Gen. plu. of the mas. No. 3532) 1. 27; 2. 55, 71 ; 4. 32; form of the pronoun Sarva (See 6. 24; 11. 152.
No. 3532) 1. 25; 6. 47. 156
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