Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Bhagavad gita Word-Index Pt. I A
3486. HTFT Gen. sing. of the 3497. ***T Ind. past participle of mas. noun Samsaya ( Doubt) 6. 39. the root Stambh with the prefix Sam 3487. 7. Acc. sing. of the mas.
(To keep under control or to stop noun Saṁsaya ( See No. 3486 ) 4. 42;
the natural movements of ) 3. 43. 6. 39.
3498. Fris: Nom. plu. of the
mas, form of the comp. adj. Sam3488. Fina: Nom. sing. of the mas.
sparśaja (That which owes its rise noun Samsaya ( See No. 3486 ) 8. 5;
to close contact with another) 5. 22. 10.7; 12. 8.
3499. Cu Ind. past participle 3489. Nagran: Gen. sing. of the of the root Smr with the prefix Sam mas. form of the comp. adj. Sam- (To recollect) 18. 762, 772. sayātman (One whose mind is full
3500. a Pres. 3rd pers. sing. of doubts ) 4. 40.
of the root HỊ with the prefix Sam 3490. AT Nom. sing. of the (To draw inwards) 2. 58. mas. form of the comp. adj. Saṁ- 3501. * Adv. Ind. (Properly) śayātman (See No. 3489) 4. 40. 5.4: 8. 10; 9. 30.
3491. Tagat: Nom. plu. of the 3502. Farar: Nom. plu. of the mas. form of the comp. past pass. mas, form of the past pass. participarticipial adj. Samsitavrata (One pial adj. Samāgata (Met together ) who has fulfilled his vow ) 4. 28. 1. 23.
3492. ggfaftag: Nom. sing. of 3503. gara Imp. 2nd pers. sing. the mas. form of the comp. past of the root Car with the prefixes pass. participial adj. Samsuddha- A and Sam (To do or perform) kilbisa ( One who has been purified 3. 9, 19. of all sin ) 6. 45.
3504. a Nom. sing. of the 3193. sar: Nom. plu. of the pres. participial adj. Samācarat mas, form of the past pass. partici. (Doing or performing ) 3. 26. pial adj. Samérita (Become de
3505. ATTITH Inf. of the root pendent upon ) 16. 18.
Dhā with the prefixes A and Sam
(To compose ) 12.9. 3494. Ang Loc. plu. of the mas.
3506. The Ind. past participle noun Samsāra ( The cycle of births
of the root Dhā with the prefixes and deaths or a state of existence
A and Sam ( See No. 3505 ) 17. 11. in which an individual soul is sub
3507. AUFSTFU Gen. sing. of the jected to miseries of diverse sorts )
mas. form of the adj. Samādhistha 16. 19.
(One who is in a state of mental re3495. TAGA Acc. sing. of the
pose ) 2. 54. The word Samadhi fem. noun Samsiddhi (Complete
does not here mean a state in which fulfilment of an object aimed at ) there is
there is complete inactivity, inward3. 20; 8. 15; 18. 45.
ly and outwardly, but a state of 3496. Fat Loc. sing. of the fem. mental equilibrium maintained noun Samsiddhi (See No. 3496 ) throughout amidst the ever-changing 6. 43.
environments. 152
(Doine Participial ad; sing. of the
(Re: partici.
pendent in vamśrita
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