Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Bhagavad gita Word-Index Pt. I A
3306. La Loc. sing. of the mas. 3318. Tara Pot. 3rd pers. sing. form of the adj. Suci ( See No. 3305 ) of the root Srū (See No. 3317) 6. 11.
18. 71. 3307. a Loc. sing. of the mas. 3319. Torta Pres. 3rd pers. sing. of noun Svan ( A dog ) 5. 18.
the root Śrī ( See No. 3317 ) 2. 29. 3308. THT Acc. plu. of the mas. 3320. toma: Gen. sing. of the mas. form of the adj. Subha (Auspicious ) form of the pres. participial adj. 18. 71.
Sruņvat ( Hearing ) 10. 18. 3309. JHT: Nom. plu. of the fem. 3321. Tua Nom. sing. of the mas. form of the adj. Subha (Auspicious ) form of the pres. participial adj. 10. 19. For the occurrence of this Srunvat (See No. 3320) 5.8. word there see the note on the 3322. 74: Nom. sing. of the mas. word safaz: (No. 565 ).
noun Saibya ( A king, of the family 3310. E ftforft Nom. sing. of of Sibi, or of the Sibi country, who the mas. form of the comp. adj. was fighting in the Mbh. war on the Subhāśubhaparityāgin (One who re- side of the Pandavas ) 1. 5. linguishes both the auspicious and 3323. TT Acc. sing. of the mas. inauspicious things ) 12. 17.
noun Soka (Remorse or grief ) 2. 8; . 3311. THTEST : Inst. plu. of the 18. 35. neu. comp. noun Subhāśubhaphala 3324. T ragatoa: Nom. sing. of (Auspicious and inauspicious fruit ) the mas. form of the comp. adj. 9. 28.
Sokasamvignamānas' (One whose 3312. THITH Acc. sing. of the mind is perturbed by grief) 1. 47. neu. form of the comp. adj. Subhā- 3325. Tera Pres. 3rd pers. sing. subha used as a noun (A result which of the root Suc (See No. 3303 ) is either auspicious or inauspicious ) 12. 17; 18. 54. 2. 57.
3326. TIETH Inf. of the root Suc 3313. TEFT Gen. sing. of the mas. (See No. 3303 ) 2. 26, 27, 30. noun Sūdra ( A member of the fourth 3327. siara Caus. 3rd pers. sing. 'Varna whose duty it is to serve those of the root Suş ( To dry up or to be of the three higher ones ) 18. 44. afflicted) 2. 23.
3314. EM Gen. plu. of the 3328. Irah Nom. or acc. sing. of mas. noun Sūdra (See No. 3313) the neu. noun Sauca ( Purity ) 13. 7; 18. 41.
16. 3,7; 17. 14; 18. 42. 3315. TET: Nom. plu. of the mas. 3329. Nom. sing. of the noun Sūdra (See No. 3313 ) 9. 32.
neu. noun Saurya (Bravery ) 18. 43. 3316. TTT: Nom. plu. of the mas. 3330. 15: Nom. plu. of the mas. form of the adj. Sūra ( Brave) 1.4, 9. noun Syāla ( A wife's brother ) 1. 34.
3317. Tu Imp. 2nd pers. sing. of Nilakantha and several other comm. the root Srū (To hear ) 2.39; 7. 1; read 'Syålāḥ 'in place of this word. 10. 1; 13. 3; 16. 6; 17. 2,7; (App. I. 4). The meaning thereof 18. 4, 19, 29, 36, 45, 64.
is the same as is above given. 144
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