Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Primary Word-Units
3140. fagica Acc. sing. of the (Lit. 'to leave off, cast aside, throw mas. noun Vişāda ( Dejection or re- out, or abandon', but here 'to morse ) 18. 35.
create or evolve') 9, 7, 8. 3141. fagrer Nom. sing. of the 3151. fagu Ind. past participle mas. noun Visādin (One who is of the root Srj with the prefix Vi habitually in a dejected mood) (See No. 3150, 1. 47. 18. 28.
3152. fafat: Adv. Ind. (In de3142. ferotga Nom. sing. of the tails ) 11. 2; 16. 6. mas. form of the pres. participial 3 153. fara Gen. sing. of the adj. Vişidat (One who is feeling mas, noun Vistara (Expansion) 10. 19. dejected ) 1. 28.
3154. SEAT: Nom. sing. of the 3143. fade av Acc. sing. of the mas. noun Vistara (See No. 3153 ) mas. form of the pres. participial 10.40. adj. Višidat (See No. 3142 ) 2.1, 10. 3155. farrator Inst. sing. of the Rāmānuja alone amongst the comm.
mas. noun Vistara used adverbially reads Sidamānam in place of this (In details) 10. 18. word in 2. 10. (See App. I. 5).
3156. FTFATTA Acc. sing. of the 3144. faziz Ind. past participle of mas. noun Vistāra (The same as the root Starbh with the prefix Vi, Vistara for which see No. 3153 ) ( To fix firmly ) 10. 42.
13. 30. 3145. fargah Nom. sing. ot the
3157. 4: Nom. sing. of the neu. form of the past participial adj. mas. noun Vismaya (Surprise ) Vişthita (That which has pervaded
18. 77. or surrounded ) 13. 17. For the
3158, fragte: Nom. sing. of occurrence of this word there see
the mas. form of the comp. past the note on the word धिष्ठितम् .
pass. participial adj. Vismayāvista 3146. facy: Nom. sing. of the mas.
(One who is overpowered by surnoun Vişnu (One of the twelve
prise ) 11. 14. names of the Vedic deity Aditya )
3159. farmat: Nom. plu. of the 10. 21. (See also No. 3147.) 3147. racori Voc. sing. of the mas.
mas. form of the past pass. particinoun Vişnu (The God who pervades pial adj.
des pial adj. Vismita (Surprised ) 11.22. the Universe and protects it ; one
3160. faert Ind. past participle of of the Paurānic trinity ) 11. 24, 30. the root Hā with the prefix Vi (To (See also No. 3146.)
abandon or cast off ) 2. 222, 71. 3148. tapi: Nom. sing. of the 3161. faerTTUIATHtag Loc. plu. mas. noun Visarga (Specific crea of the neu. comp. noun Vihāration ) 8. 3.
sayyāsanabhojan (Listless outing, 3149. fat Nom. sing. of the bed, seat and dinner ) 11. 42. In this mas. form of the pres. participial context the expression can be approadj. Visrjat (Ejecting) 5.9.
priately translated as "At the times 3150. sayfa Pres. 1st pers. sing. of moving about for pleasure, lying of the root Srj with the prefix Vi down, sitting or dining, together".
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