Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Primary Word-Units
3001. EF Acc. sing. of the fem. 3014. farfTEE Inf. of the root noun Vāk (See No. 2997 ) 2. 42. Kamp with the prefix Vi (To shake
3002. 4 Nom. sing. of the or to cause to tremble) 2. 31. neu. form of the pot. participial 3015. faraof: Nom. sing. of the mas. adj. Vācya (Fit to be spoken about ) noun Vikarņa (The name of a 18. 67.
warrior fighting on the side of the 3003. arg: Nom. sing. of the mas. Kauravas in the Mbh. war ) 1, 8. noun Vāda (A theory or doctrine ; 3016. fahr: Gen. sing. of the also a discussion ) 10. 32.
neu, noun Vikarman ( An act which 3004. a a: Nom. plu. of the has been prohibited) 4. 17. This is mas. noun Vādin (One who advances not abl. sing. of the word. (See a theory or doctrine) 2. 42.
Sankara's commentary ). 3005. ar: Nom. sing. of the mas.
3017. FETTE Acc. plu. of the noun Vāyu ( The wind ) 2. 67 ; 9. 6; mas. form Vikāra (A modification) 15. 8; (The fourth gross element 13. 19. 7. 4 ; (The Wind-god of the Vedic 3018. fra: Nom. sing. of the pantheon ) 11. 39.
mas, form of the adj. Vikränta (One 3006. aret: Gen. sing. of the mas. who performs heroic deeds) 1. 6. noun Vāyu (The wind ) 6. 34.
3019. Fatta AT: Nom. sing. of the 3007. acuta Voc. sing. of the mas. mas. form of the comp. past pass. noun Vārsneya ( A scion of the Vrsni
participial adj. Vigatakalmaşa (One family of the Yādavas, here used
from whose mind sin has disto address Sri Krşņa) 1. 41; 3. 36.
appeared ) 6. 28. 3008. 19: Nom. sing. of the
3020. fateat: Nom. sing. of the mas. noun Vāsava (Lit. a son or descendant of Vasu, used here to
mas. form of the comp. past pass designate Indra, one of the principal
participial adj. Vigatajvara (One gods of the Vedic pantheon ) 10 22.
from whose mind sorrow has dis3009, 4: Nom. sing. of the mas.
appeared ) 3. 30. noun Vāsa ( Residence ) 1. 44.
3021. fecuf: Nom. sing. of the 3010. areia Acc. plu. of the neu.
mas. form of the comp. past pass. noun Vāsas ( Clothing ) 2. 22.
participial adj. Vigatabhi (One whose 3011. Trys: Nom. sing. of the
mind has become free from fear ) mas. noun Vasuki (The name of a king of serpents according to the 3022. farareg5: Nom. sing. of the Paurāņic mythology ) 10. 28.
mas. form of the comp. past pass. 3012. ECAT Gen. sing. of the participial adj. Vigatasprha (One mas. noun Vāsudeva (Lit. 'a son of whose mind has become free from Vasudeva', but here used to refer expectations ) 2. 56; 18. 49. particularly to Sri Krşņa ) 18. 74. 3023. faza: Nom. sing. of the
3013. agora: Nom. sing. of the mas. form of the past pass. particimas. noun Vasudeva ( See No. 3012) pial adj. Vigata (Disappeared or 7. 19; 10. 37 ; 11. 50.
vanished ) 11. 1. 131
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