Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Bhagavad gitā Word-Index Pt. I A
2747. a Nom. or acc. sing. of 2756. 7 yer Inst. sing. of the the neu. form of the pronoun Yad fem. comp. noun Yadrcclā used as ( Who or which ) at some places used an adverb (By accident or spontaneas an adj, also but in the same sense. ously ) 2. 32. 2. 7, 8, 67; 3. 21'; 4. 16, 35; 5. 1, 2757. TEXgnrigs: Nom. sing. of 5, 21 ; 6. 21, 42; 7. 2; 8. 11°, 17, the mas. form of the comp. past 28; 9.1, 275, 10. 1, 11, 392, 412; pass. participial adj. Yadrccha11. 1, 7, 37, 41, 42, 47, 52; 13. 2, labhasantusta (One wlio is satisfied 32, 11, 122; 14. 1 ; 15. 6, 82, 12°; with whatever one gets spontane17. 10, 12, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, ously) 4. 22. 28; 18. 8, 9, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 2758. ga The pronoun Yad with 37, 38, 39, 40, 60;
the suffix Vat (added for comparison) Adv. Ind. (In that, whether or il, used in an adverbial sense (In the according to context ) 1. 45; 2. 6; manner in which ) 2. 70. 18. 59.
2759. Tire Nom. sing. of the 2748. TETTE: Nom. sing. of the neu. form of the comp. adj. Yadmas. form of the comp. adj. Yat- vikārin ( Of what it is a transformaprabhāva ( Of what kind of prowess ) tion) 13. 3. 13. 3.
2760. Tea Acc. plu. of the 2749. 71 Adv. Ind. (Where) 6. 202,
neu. form of the comp. adj. Yantra21 ; 18. 36, 782;
rūdha ( Put up in a machine ) 18. 61. Irregular use of the same word in 2761. 4 Acc. sing. of the mas. the sense of Yasmin, 8. 23.
form of the pronoun Yad (See No. 2750. TOT Adv. Ind. (Just as, 2747 ) 2. 15, 70 ; 6. 2, 22; 8. 62, 21. as or how, according to context) 2762. 75: Nom. sing. of the mas. 2. 13, 22; 3. 25, 382; 4. 11, 37; DOU
noun Yama (The god of death looked 6. 19; 7.1 ; 9. 6; 11.3, 28, 29, 53;
29,33; upon as the Great Regulator) 10.29; 13. 32, 33; 18. 45, 50, 63.
11. 39. 2751. T ITÆ Adverbial comp. 2763. 91 Inst. sing. of the fem. Ind. ( According to divisions ) 1.11. form of the pronoun Yad (See No.
2752. yraa Adv. Ind. (As a 2747 ) 2. 39; 7. 5; 18. 31, 33, 34, 35. thing is ) 18. 19.
2764. 77: Nom. or acc. sing. of 2753. 7974 Acc. sing. of the neu. the neu. noun Yaśas (Fame or form of the comp. past participial reputation) 10.5 ; 11. 33. adj. Yathokta ( As stated or advised) 2765. TOETĘ Nom. sing. of the 12. 20.
neu. form of the pot. participle of 2754. Et Adv. Ind. (When) 2. 52, the root Yaj ( See No. 671 ) 17. 11. 53, 55, 58 ; 6. 4, 18; 13. 30 ; 14. 11, 2766. JEAT Abl. sing. of the mas. 14, 19; -- (Whenever) 4. 7.
form of the pronoun Yad (See No. 2755. y Adv. Ind. (If) 1. 38, 46; 2747 ) 12. 15. 3. 23 ; 11. 4, 12 ;-- (Whether) 2.6; The same used adverbially 6. 32.
(Because ) 15. 18. 120
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