Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Primary Word-Units
2677. TATTTTTO: Nom. plu. of the 2689. FIERI Pres. 2nd pers. sing. mas. form of the comp. adj. Mokşa- of the caus. form of the root Muh parāyaṇa ( One who is solely devoted (To become deluded or infatuated ) to final liberation ) 5. 28.
3. 2. 2678. HTAPOTETÍ Fut. 1st pers. 2690. HET Acc. sing. of the mas. sing. of the 10th conj. Ubhayapadi noun Moha (Delusion or infatuaroot Moks (To release or set free) tion) 4. 35; 14. 22. 18. 66.
2691. IE: Nom. sing. of the mas. 2679. Fr Acc. sing. of the mas. noun Moha (See No. 2690) 11.1; noun Moksa (Final liberation) 18. 30. 14. 13; 18. 73. 2680. #14 Pass. 2nd pers. sing.
2692. TETE Abl. sing. of the mas. of the root Muc-muñc (See No. 2642) noun Moha ( See No. 2690) 16. 10; 4. 16 ; 9. 1, 28.
18. 7, 25, 60. 2681. Frachfo: Gen. plu. of the 2693. ita Nom. sing. of the mas. form of the comp. adj. Mogha- neu:
neu. form of the past participial adj. karman (One who hss been doing
Mohita (Deluded or infatuated) 7.13. fruitless acts ) 9. 12.
2694. feat: Nom. plu. of the 2682. Frăt: Nom. plu. of the
mas. form of the past participial adj. mas. form of the comp. adj. Mogha
i Mogha Mohita ( See No. 2693 ) 4. 16. jñāna (One whose knowledge is 2695.
Acc. sing. of the not productive of any result ) 9. 12. fem. form of the adj. Mohini (That 2683. FISH Adv. Ind. (In vain )
which causes delusion or infatua
tion) 9. 12. 3. 16.
2695. Tra Nom. sing. of the neu. 2684. anti: Nom. plu. of the
noun Mauna (Reticence) 10.38; 17.16. mas. forin of the comp. adj. Moghāśa
2697. - Nom. sing. of the mas. ( One who entertains vain hopes )
noun Maunin (One who observes 9. 12.
reticencc ) 12. 19. 2685. Frau Fut. 1st pers. sing. 269S. Fera Pres. 3rd pers. sing. of the root Mud (To rejoice) 16. 15. of the root Mr (To die 2. 20.
2686. E t Acc. sing. of the neu. comp. noun Mohakalila (A thick snare brought on by delusion) 2699. 72472191-2 Gen. plu. of the 2. 52.
mas. comp. noun Yakşarakşas (The 2687.
F e ar: Nom plan of Yakşa and the Raksasa ) 10. 23. A mac form of the compadi. 2700. TETTETIT Nom. plu. of the Mohajālasamāveta (Enveloped by neu. comp. noun Yakşarakşas (See the snare of delusion) 16. 16.
No. 2699 ) 17. 4. 2688. HET Nom. sing. of the 2701. Tema Fut. Ātma. 1st pers. neu, noun Mohana ( The cause of de- sing. of the Ubhayapadi root Yaj. lusion or infatuation ) 14. 8; 18. 39. (See No. 671 ) 16. 15.
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