Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Bhagavadgitā Word-Index Pt. I A
2189. feftar: Nom. plu. of the 2202. FAC# Acc. sing. of the mas. form of the past pass. parti- mas. noun Prasāda (Propitiation, cipial adj. Pravyathita (See No. tranquillity or grace) 2. 64. 2187 ) 11. 23.
2203. Ta Loc. sing. of the mas. 2190. Terea Loc. sing. of the past noun Prasada (See No. 2202) 2. 65. participial adj. Praśasta ( Applauded, 2204. gaga Pot. 3rd pers. sing. commended or auspicious ) 17. 26. of the root Sidh with the prefix Pra
2191. 9-a Acc. sing. of the (To be accomplished or effected, to mas, form of the comp. adj. Pra- be got or obtained, or to succeed ) śāntamanas (One whose mind is at 3. 8. peace within oneself) 6. 27.
2205. teig Imp. 2nd pers. sing. 2192. Taat Gen. sing. of the of the root Sad with the prefix Pra mas. form of the adj. Praśānta (One (See No. 2201) u. 25. 31. 45. who has a cool heart) 6. 7.
2206. gyar Nom. sing. of the fem. 2193. Tarcar Nom. sing. of the form of the past participial adj. mas. form of the comp. adj. Pra- Prasrta (Spread or unfolded ) 15. 4. santātman (One whose heart is cool) 0207 That. Nom nu of the fem 6. 14.
form of the past participial adj. 2194. FT: Nom. plu. of the mas. Prasrta (See No. 2206) 15. 2. form of the past participial adj.
2208. TEHT Nom. sing. of the Prasakta ( Firmly attached ) 16. 16.
mas. form of the pres. participial 2195. gap Inst. sing. of the mas. adi. Prahasat (Mocking or laughing ) noun Prasanga (Attachment, devo
- 2. 10. tion or addiction ) 18. 34.
2209. TETYRT Fut. 2nd pers. sing. 2196. 1999 : Gen. sing..of the
e of the root Han with the prefix Pra mas. form of the comp. adj. Pra- (To destroy or destroy completely ) sannacetas (One whose mind is
e whose mind 1. 2. 39.. pacified or set at rest ) 2. 65.
2210. E la Pres. 3rd pers. sing. 2197. TAUTAI Nom. sing. of the
of the root Hrs with the prefix Pra mas. form of the comp. adj. Prasan
(To be delighted ) 11. 36. nātman ( One whose mind is pacified or set at rest) 18. 54.
2211. Teta Pot. 3rd pers. sing. 2198. 99 Inst. sing. of the mas.
of the root Hrs with the prefix Pra form of the past participial adj.
(See No. 2210) 5. 20. Prasanna ( Pleased) 11. 47.
2212. FET: Nom. sing. of the 2199. THA Adv. Ind. (Perforce mas. noun Prahlāda (The name of or violently ) 2. 60 ; 11. 41.
the son of the demon-king Hiranya2200. hafazah Fut. 2nd pers. kaśipu whom Vişņu in the form of plu. of the root Sû with the prefix the Man-lion slew according to the Pra (To beget) 3. 10.
Visnu Pūrāņa ) 10. 30. 2201. Targo Caus. 1st pers. sing. 2213. fra: Nom. sing. of the mas. of the root Sad with the prefix Pra form of the adj. Prākrta (Common(To please or propitiate ) 11. 44. place or vulgar) 18. 28.
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