Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Bhagavad gitā Word-Index Pt. I A
2141 : Nom. sing. of the mas. 2152. Tiga Pass. 3rd pers. sing. noun Prabhu (The Lord or the of the root Muc-munc with the preMoral Governor of the World ) fix Pra (To release completely ) 5. 14; 9. 18, 24.
5. 3; 10. 3. 2142. Voc. sing. of the mas.
2153. TToga Pres. 3rd pers. sing. noun Prabhu (See No. 2141 ) 11. 4;
4. of the root Da-yacch with the prefix
Pra (To offer ) 9. 26. 14. 21.
2154. Farma: Gen. sing. of the 2143. SAMT Nom. sing. of the
mas. form of the comp. adj. neu. noun Pramāņa (Authority )
Prayatātman ( One who has practised 16. 24. This word also forms part
or practises self-restraint) 9. 26. of the expression Pramānam
2155. 779TT Abl. sing. of the mas. kurute (Authorises or approves of )
noun Prayatna ( An effort ) 6. 45. in 3. 21.
2156. TOTUTTE Loc. sing. of the 2144. Tarro Nem. sing. of the neu. mas. comp. noun Prayāņakāla (The form of the adj. Pramāthir. (That time of going, here that of death ) which causes excitement or harass- 7. 30 : 8. 2. 10. ment) 6. 34.
2157, tarat: Nom. plu. of the past 2145. TAPI Nom. plu. of the participial adj. Prayāta (Departed neu. form of the adj. Pramāthin (See or dead ) 8. 23, 24. No. 2144) 2. 60.
2158. garia Pres. 3rd pers. sing. 2146. THIGHIE Nom. dual of the
of the root Yã with the prefix Pra
(To depart) 8.5, 13. mas. comp. noun Pramādamoha
2159. : Nom. sing. of the mas. (Carelessness, idleness or negli
form of the past pass. participial gence, and delusion or infatuation )
adj. Prayukta ( Propelled ) 3. 36. 14. 17.
2160. tysga Pass. 3rd pers. sing. 2147. Fare: Nom. sing. of the mas. of the root Yuj with the prefix Pra noun Pramāda ( Carelessness, idle- (To employ or use ) 17. 26. ness or negligence) 14. 13.
2161. 997 Nom. sing. of the 2148. The Abl. sing. of the mas. form of the pres. participial mas. noun Pramāda (See No. 2147) adj. Pralapat (Prattling or speaking 11. 41.
without aim ) 5. 9. 2149. TATEIS T . Inst. plu of 2162. Toet Acc. sing. of the mas. the fem. comp. noun Pramādālasya
noun Pralaya ('End or destruction', nidrā (Carelessness, laziness and
here 'death') 14. 14, 15. sleep) 14. 8.
2163. u: Nom. sing. of the mas.
noun Pralaya (See No. 2162 ) 7.6; 2150. The Loc. sing. of the neu. noun Pramāda (See No. 2147) 14.9. 2164. Tatar Acc. sing. of the
2151. Ta Loc. sing. of the mas. fem. form of the comp. adj. Pralaform of the adj. Pramukha used vänta (Ending with one's death or adverbially (In front of) 2. 6. Cf. extending upto the destruction of 1. 25.
the world ) 16. 11. 94
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