Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Bhagavadgitā Word-Index Pt. I A
1618. Ind. past participle of 1631. dqat Voc. sing. of the mas. the root Drs-paśy (See No. 1545) comp. noun Devavara ( The highest 1. 2, 20, 28; 2. 59 ; 11. 20. 23. 24. 25. of the gods ) 11. 31. 45, 49, 51.
1632. dagar: Nom. plu. of the 1619. ca Voc. sing. of the mas. mas. form of the comp. adj. Devanoun Deva (God or Lord ) 11. 15, vrata used as a noun (One who 44, 45.
observes vows with a view to pro1620. agar: Nom. plu, of the fem.
pitiate gods ) 9. 25.
Pitiate goas noun Devatā ( A deity ) 4. 12.
1633. Car Acc. plu. of the mas. 1621. ATT Acc. sing. of the noun Deva (See No. 1619) 3. 11; mas. noun Devadatta ( The name of 7. 23; 9. 25 ; 11. 15; 17. 4. the conch of Arjuna) 1. 15.
1634. darath Gen. plu. of the mas. 1622. gaga Voc. sing. of the mas. noun Deva ( See No. 1619) 10.2, 22. comp. noun Devadeva (God of gods)
1635. aar: Nom. plu. of the mas. 10. 15. 1623. aaaart Gen. sing. of the noun Deva ( See No. 1619.) 3.11, 12;
10. 14; 11. 52. mas. comp. noun Devadeva (See No. 1622) 11. 13.
1636. daar Voc. sing. of the mas. 1624. argerTENTSTAA Nom. sing. comp. noun Devesa (The Lord of of the neu. comp. noun Devadviia- gods ) 11. 25, 37, 45. guruprājñyapūjana (Worship of the 1637. gay Loc. plu. of the mas. gods, the twice-born, the spiritual noun Deva (See No. 1619 ) 18. 40. preceptors and the wise ) 17. 14. 1638. a Loc. sing. of the mas.
1625. dai Acc. plu. of the' noun Desa (A country or region ) mas. comp. noun Devabhoga (The 6. 11 ; 17. 20. objects which the gods get for en- 1639. Er Nom. sing. of the joyment ) 9. 20.
mas. comp. noun Dehabhrt (An 1626. Car Acc. sing. of the mas. embodied soul ) 14. 14. noun Deva (See No. 1619) 11. 11, 14.
1640. zar Inst. sing. of the 1627. Sa : Nom. plu. of the mas.
comp. noun Dehabhrt (See No. 1639) form of the comp. adj. Devayaj
18. 11. used as a noun (A worshipper of minor deities ) 7. 23.
1641. ugarh Gen. plu. of the 1628. gara: Nom. sing. of the mas.
mas. comp. noun Dehabhrt (See comp. noun Devarsi (A celestial
No. 1639);-97 (The highest of the sage) 10. 13.
embodied souls ) 8.4. 1629. autore Gen. plu. of the 1642. den Acc. sing. of the mas. mas. comp. noun Devarsi (See noun Deha (The physical body) No. 1628 ) 10. 26.
4.9; 8. 13 ; 15. 14. 1630. : Nom. sing. of the mas. 1643. Saaf: Inst. plu. of the mas. noun Devala (The name of the father noun Deha with the suffix Vat having or the family of a celestial sage the sense of possession (One who named Asita) 10. 13.
has a body; an embodied soul ) 12.5. 72
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