Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Bhagavadgită Word-Index Pt. IA
1432. Fut: Gen, dual of the mas. 1443. art Acc. plu. of the mas. form of the pronoun Tad (See No. form of the proroun Tad (See 1385) 3. 34 ; 5.2.
No. 1385 ) 1. 72, 27; 2. 14; 3. 29, 1433. arma Pres. 3rd pers. plu. of 32 ; 4. 11, 32; 7. 12, 22; 16. 19; the root Tr (To swim across ) 7. 14. 17. 6. 1434. afone Fut. 2nd pers. sing.
1444, arrefour Nom. sing. of the of the root Tr (See No. 1433) 18. 58. neu. form of the comp. adj. Tāmasa1435, 77 Gen. sing. of the mas.
priya ( That which is liked by a man form of the pronoun Yuşmad ( Thou
in whose nature there is the preponor you ) 1. 3 ; 2. 362; 4. 5; 10. 42;
derance of the Tamas attribute )
17. 10. 11. 15, 16, 20, 28, 29, 30, 31, 36, 41, 47, 51 ; 18. 73.
1445. Am Acc. sing. of the mas. 1436. Jer Abl. sing. of the mas.
or nom. or acc. sing. of the neu. or neu. form of the pronoun Tad
form of the adj. Tāmasa (One who (See No. 1385 ) 1. 37; 2. 18, 25, 27,
or that which is characterised by the
attribute Tamas) 17. 13, 19, 22; 30, 37, 50, 68; 3. 15, 19, 41 ; 4. 42; 5. 19; 6. 46; 8, 7, 20, 27; 11. 3
18. 22, 25, 39. 44 ; 16. 21, 24 ; 17. 24 ; 18. 692.
1446. ath: Nom. sing. of the mas. 1437. affha Loc. sing. of the neu.
form of the adj. Tāmasa (See form of the pronoun Tad (See
No. 1445 ) 18. 7, 28. No. 1385) 14. 3.
1447. OHT: Nom. plu. of the 1438. TRT Gen. sing. of the mas.
mas. form of the adj. Tāmasa (Sec or neu. form of the pronoun Tad
No. 1445 ) 7. 12; 14. 18; 17. 4. ( See No. 1385) 1. 12; 2. 57, 58, 1448. MART Nom. sing. of the 61, 68; 3. 17, 18; 4. 13; 6. 3, 6, 30, fem. form of the adj. Tāmasa (See 34, 40; 7. 212; 8. 14; 11. 12; No. 1445) 17. 2; 18. 32, 35. 15. 2; 18. 7, 15.
1449. arar Nom. sing. of the mas. 1439. TF# Loc. sing. of the fem. form of the pronoun Tāyat (To that form of the pronoun Tad (See extent ) 2. 46. No. 1385 ) 2. 69.
1450. AA Gen. plu. of the fem. 1440. NFT: Gen. sing. of the fem. form of the pronoun Tad (Sec form of the pronoun Tad (See No. 1385) 14. 4. No. 1385) 7. 22.
1451. are Acc. sing. of the fem. 1441. ara Voc. sing. of the mas. form of the pronoun Tad (See noun Tāta (A father ; also a term No. 1385) 7. 21; 8. 17; 17. 2. of endearment used in addressing 1452. fafarena Imp. 2nd pers. sing. one's son or one younger than one- of the root Tij (To endure or suffer self) 6. 40.
with courage ) 2. 14. 1442, arra Nom. or acc. plu. of the 1453. fagfa Pres. 3rd pers. sing. neu, form of the pronoun Tad (See of the root Sthā-tişth (To stand ; No. 1385) 2. 61; 4.5; 9. 7, 9; to remain unmoved in one position ) 18. 19.
eu form of the prou
: 9. 7, 9;
03. 13. 13 ; 18. 61.
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