Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailashsagarsuri Gyanmandir
Vedānta (S'amkara )
from the qualities of the mind the mere Self does not exist in the Samsāra state; for the latter, owing to which the Self appears as an agent and enjoyer, is altogether due to the circumstance of the qualities of the buddhi and the other limiting adj. uncts being wrongly superimposed upon the self." Thus the Brahman or the Self according to the Advaita system is non-transmigratory; only the samsāri soul transmigrates along with some of its adjuncts. The transmigration of the Self consists in changing only the external adjuncts or upādhis with which it is covered in its earthly life. The Self, although allpervading, is viewed as going because it enters into connexion with the buddhi and the rest of its adjuncts, just general space enters into connexion with jars and the like..? Thus, the rebirth of the Self consists not in actually being born; because it is enternal; but it consists in passing from one set of adjuncts of mind and buddhi to another new set of adjuncts of the mind and the buddhi in accordance with the results of its actions in the past life. The inner self remains the same and as if it changes its outer garments. After the dissolution of one body the soul enters into another body which is made from the various elements like earth, water, air, fire, etc., along with the impressions or saraskāras of the actions done in the past life. It is said that the soul is accompanied by the chief vital air, the sense organs and the mind, its nescience, karma when it trans· S'amkara (Com.) on Vedānta Sūtras. Tr, Thibaut, 2.3.29, Vol. II, p. 44.
2 Ibid. 4.3.14, Vol. II, p. 402.
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