इति श्रीपरमशैवाचार्य श्रीश्रीकंठशिपंडितविरचितायां योगरत्नावल्ल्यां
नबमः परिछेदः समाप्तः ।। शुभं भवतु ॥ श्रीरस्तु ॥ सं. १८५७ मा. आ. १३ References.- (1) Mss.- A-Aufrecht's Catalogus Catalogorum :
i, 478b; ii, III; iii, I02".
B-Descriptive Catalogues :I. O. Catalogue, Ms. No. 2761.
No. 180
Size.- 114 in. by 34 in. Extent.- 34 leaves ; 15 lines to a page ; 44 letters to a line. Description.-Country paper; Devanagari characters; two hand
writings, one upto fol. 33 and the other till the end%3; former legible, latter bad ; two lines in black ink on each border; from fol. 35 to the end, verse numbers and the colophon on fol. 39 are tinged with red pigment. The number of foll. is 1-44 with the following leaves missing-- 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 23, 29, 31, 34 and 36. Paper is very old, musty and worn out; fol. 37 is torn on the right-hand border. The Ms. forms the first three chapters of योगरत्नाबली, with part of the fourth. The only colophon found, on fol. 39b reads-इति परमर्शवाचार्य श्रीश्रीकंठशिवपंडितविरचितायां योगरत्नावल्यां समीहितार्थसाधनमंत्रांशकनानायंत्ररक्षाधिकरो काम्यकर्मविधिः
नाम तृतीयः परिछेदः. It is incomplete. Age.- Appears to be very old. Author.- Srikantha-Sambhu. Begins.--fol. rb
श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ श्रीपरदेवतायै नमः ॥
मूर्तिः कापि महेश्वरस्य महती यत्यल्फमूलादधस्तुंवीतुंगफलावतीव शतधा ..ब्रह्मांडकोटिस्थिता॥