75. ]
İ11. 11 Ångas स्थानाङ्गसूत्रपर्याय
Sthānăngasūtraparyāya No. 73
789 ( 26 ).
1895-1902. Extent.--fol. 536 to fol. 564. Description.- Complete. For other details see Pañcavastukaparyāya
No. 789 ( 1 ).
* 1895-1902. Begins.--fol. 536 37% FUTAIURE TH: I etc., as in No. 72. Ends.--sol. 562 3rangan at TSTYAFAJ: etc. N. B.-For subject see No. 72.
332 9). No. 74
A 1882-83. Extent.--fol. 41° to fol. 446. Description.—Complete. For other details see Nandisútravişama
padaparyāya No.
A 1882-83 Begins.--fol. 41° 379T FO TO A: -8
Arrietara etc. as in No. 72. Ends.--tol. 44 sfat antySUT: 1 percentar afer etc.
N. B.-For subject see No. 72
867. No. 75
1895-190. Size.--97 in. by 4 in. Extent.-49 folios ; 11 lines to a page ; 38 letters to a line.