70 1
No. 69
III. 11 Angas
A 1882-83.
Size-10 in. by 4 in.
Extent. 288 folios; 15 lines to a page; 54 letters to a line. Description. Country paper thin and greyish ;
Devanagari characters with as; neither too big nor too small, clear and tolerably good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used; numbers of foll. entered twice as usual; fol. 1a blank; fol. 218 seems to be wrongly numbered as 219 in the right hand margin; the succeeding foll. numbered as 219, 220, etc.; edges of the first fol. and those of the last, too, slightly damaged; condition on the whole very good; complete; extent 14500 slokas. Age.-seems to be old.
Begins. fol.1
etc., as in No. 66.
Ends.--fol. 2884 शेषद्वाराणि तु etc., up to स्थानांगटीकाल्पधिया (S) पि गम्या ॥ ८ ॥ as in No. 66 followed by ग्रंथाग्रं १४५०० ॥ छ ॥ श्री 'विक्रमनगरमध्ये ॥
N. B. For further particulars see No. 65.
736 (4). 1875-76.
No. 70
Extent. fol. 3a to fol. 3b.
Description.-Complete. For other details see Pañcavastukaparyaya No. 736 (1).
Subject.-Difficult words occurring in Sthänängasûtra explained. Begins~~ fol. 36 स्थानपर्याया यथा । वैषद्यं (म्य?) जाड्यं । आश्रावणक्लेशदने लाला निर्गमार्द्रताकृत् अम्ल इत्यर्थः । etc.