414.] XIII. Supernumerary Prakirņakas पिण्डविशुद्धि
1269 (7). No. 412
1887-91. Extent.- fol. 35* to fol. 37*. Description.— Complete. For additional details see Şaļāvaśyaka
sūtra No. 1269 ( 1 ).
sutra No. 1887-91. Begins. --fol. 35a gravarácaifaça etc. Ends. fol. 37° TÁ (? THUT lager etc., up to Fifta o 11 poz.
as in No. 408 followed by za iqzfaalg9ATU FATA:ll | N. B.- For additional details see No. 408
1220 (c). No. 413
1884-87. Bxtent.- fol. 1086 to fol. 111b. Description.- Complete ; 104 verses in all. For other details see Pratyakhyānaniryukti No.1882-83
vanninin 1220 ( a ). Begins.-- fol. 1086 aferátē( arcu etc. Ends.— fol. 111b gəti istuTaFÀU etc. up to T T as in No. 416
followed by इति पिंडविसुद्धिप्रकरणं समाप्तमिति ॥ कृतिर्जिनवल्लभ
STUT: 117 11 N. B.- For other particulars see No. 408.
Piņdavisuddhi वृत्तिसहित
with vịtti
301. No. 414
A. 1882-83. Size.-- 104 in. by 43 in. Extent.— 86+I=87 folios ; 15 lines to page ; 56 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, rough and white ; Devanāgarī
characters with frequent earst; small, legible and good 47 (J. L. P. ]