Jaina Literature and Philosophy
पर्यन्ताराधना (पज्जंताराहणा )
No. 399 :
Size.— rog in. by 4 in. Extent. -- 4 folios; I lines to a page ; 38 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper thin, and white; Devanagari charac ters with पृष्ठमात्राs; big, legible and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two lines in red ink; each side of the fol. has a small design in each of the margins; fol. 4b blank ; foll. numbered in the right hand margin only; edges of all the foll. slightly damaged; condition tolerbaly good; complete ; extent 74 slokas.
Age.-- Pretty old.
Author — Soma Suri.
Begins.—fol. 14 ॐ
This work is considered as a prakīranaka and is classed as an agama in Jaina Granthavali. It is composed in 70 verses in Prakrit. As its very name implies it deals with what ought to be done on death-bed, e. g. reflection about the partial transgression of vows, severing the connection with the 18 papasthānas, taking resort to the Arhats, Siddhas and others.
Ends.-fol. 4a
मण भइ एवं । भयवं समउच्चियं । समाइसस ॥ तत्तो वागरइ गुरू । पज्जंताराहणं एयं ॥ १ आलोइ अईआरा । गयाई उच्चरसुखमसुजीवेसु । वोसिरसु भावियप्पा | अद्वारसपावठाणाई ॥ २ ॥ चउसरणं टुक्कडगरिहणं च । सुक्कडाणुमोयणं कुणसु । सुभावणं अणसणं । पंचनमुक्कार सरणं च ॥ ३ ॥ नाणंमि दंसणंमि य । चरणंमि तवंमि तहय विरयमि । पंचविहे आयारे । अईआरा लोअणं कुणसु ॥ ४ ॥ etc.
Paryantarādhanā ( Pajjantārāhana )
1199. 1887-91..
पंचपरमिडिसमरण । प्ररायणो पाविउण पंचतं । पत्तो पंचमकप्पंमि । रायसिंहो मुरिं दत्तं ॥ ६८ ॥
I. It is so named in the Mss. No. 400 and 401, too.