396.] X. Supernumerary Prakırnakas
:357 __Ends.-fol. 544
एसा य पयसहस्सेण वंनिया समणगंधहत्थीणं । पुढेणं उ रायगिहे तित्थोगाली उ वीरेणं ॥ ४६ ।। etc. .. ते तेसिं गाहाओ दोन्नि सता ऊसहस्स मंगे च । तित्थोगालीए संखा एसा भाणिया उ अंकेन ॥ ५१।) ..
इति तित्थोगाली सम्मत्ता ॥ संवत् १५८४ आषाढादि ८५ वर्षे
आषाढवदि बीजि सारो वा० श्रीजयवल्लभयोग्यं ॥ . Reference.- Some of the verses from the beginning as well as the
end are quoted in Abhidhānarājendra. This prakirņaka is referred to in “ Viranirvāṇa samvat aura Jaina kālagaņaņā" (pp.98-103) by Muni Sri Kalyanavijaya. In the svopajna vrtti of :Paryusana-dasasataka by Dharmasagara Gani, 166th of the collection of 1873-74 (fol. 27a), there is a quotation from Tirthogāra. It remains to be verified if that work is the same as this, even though I am inclined to identify the present work with Tirthodgāra mentioned in Jaina Granthăvali (p. 62).
तीर्थोद्गालिक .
Tīrthodgālika • No. 396
1879-80. Size.- 115 in. by 4 in. Extent.— 21. folios ; 17 lines to a page ; 68 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper tough and white; Devanagari charac
ters with occasional पृष्ठमात्राs; small, legible, uniform and good hand-writing ; borders neatly ruled in four lines in black ink; fol. Ta blank ; a few foll. slightly worm-eaten; condition on the whole good; foll. numbered in the
right hand margin only; complete ; extent 1565 ślokas. Age.-Samvat 1612. Begins.-fol. b नमः सर्वज्ञाय॥
जयइ ससिपाय etc. Ends.-fol. 21 b एसा य etc., up to अंकेणं as in No. 395 followed
by छ ॥ गाथा १२३३ ॥ श्लोक १५६५ ॥ छ ॥ तित्थोगाली संमत्ता ।। संवत् १६१२ वर्ष कार्तकशुदि ९ गुरु 'अहिमदावाद'मध्ये पुस्तिका लिखि
तमिदं। छ.etc. N. B.- For further particulars see No. 395... .... ..