Jaina Literature and Philosophy 139 ज्योतिष्करण्डक .
Jyotişkarandaka टीकासहित
with tīkā ___No. 393
- 378.
1880-81. Size.-- Ion in. by 4, in. Extent.-- 145 folios ; 13 lines to a page ; 46 letters to a lipe. Description.-- Country paper very thin and greyish; Devanagari
'characters with occasional पृष्ठमात्रा; bold, big, legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in
black ink; a piece of paper pasted in the middle to fol. r*; ... fol. I blank; fol. I worn out in good many places, so
the corresponding letters missing ; some of the foll. wormeaten ; fol. 145th slightly torn; condition fair; this Ms. contains both the text and the commentary, the former in Prākrit and the latter in Sanskrit ; both complete ; extent
5500 slokas. Age. - Samvat 1640. Begins.--(text) fol. - Tण ताव मूरपण्णाति etc., as in No. 391.
--(com.) fol. Ib॥ॐनमोरी .......... स्पष्टं चराचरं etc., as in No. 39t. Ends.--(text) fol. 145b काल(पा)माण समासो etc., as in No. 39L. , --(com.) fol. 145b तेन परंपरया etc., as in No. 391 up to समाप्ता
followed by the lines as below:--
..प्रथायं ५५०० । सं. १६४० बर्षे ज्येष्टशुदि१४दिने पावले उपा.. ध्यायश्रीधर्मसागरमणिगुरुभ्यो नमः । तत्सेवकक्रमपपनार्थ वालेउ)
आलिखितं । etc. श्री सिरपुर नगरे । fotlowed in a different. ....: - hand by the lines as under :---
. ..... श्रीराजसागरसूरिराज्ये सकलवाचकोत्तंसवाचकश्रीपं लब्धिसागर: गणिशिष्यविनीतसागरमणिइं ए प्रति भंडार मुंकी छई। श्री स्तंभ
तीर्थ पुरे । संवत् १७११ वर्षे श्रीः॥ N. B.- For further particulars see No. 392.