Jajna Literature and Philosophy
[ 391,
Jyotişkaraņdaka (जोसकरंडक).
(Joisakarandaka) टीकासहित
with tīkā No. 391 ... .
1873-74. Size,- II in. by sit in. Extent.- 102 folios; IS lines to a page; 56 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper tough and white; Devanāgari charac
ters; bold, big, legible and good hand-writing ; borders of foll. 9 to 102 ruled in three lines and edges in two, in red ink; yellow pigment used; soll. Ia and 102b blank; numbers of foll. entered twice as usual; margins of the foll. 38 and so slightly damaged; condition on the whole good; this Ms. contains both the text and the commentary, the
former in Prakrit, the latter in Sanskrit; both complete. Age.- Modern. Subject.-- This work composed in Prākrit in verses and divided into
prābhstas mostly deals with astronomy and it is accompanied by the Sanskrit commentary. It is classified in Jaina Granthāvali under the prakīrņaka section of the Jaina
agamas. Abhidhānarajendra, too, mentions it as prakirnaka. Author of the commentary.- Malayagiri Suri. Begins.—(text) fol. 1b
सुण ताव सूरपण्णत्तिवण(ण्णं) वित्थरेणं जं निउणं ।
थौगुणैच्चएण तत्तो वोच्छं उल्लोगमेत्तानां( गं ?)।१। etc. ,, --(com.) fol. Ib ॥६०॥ श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥
स्पे(स्पष्टं चराचरं विश्वं जानीते यः प्रतिक्षणं । तस्मै नमो जिनेशाय श्रीवीराय हितैषिणे ॥१॥ सम्यगगुरुपदांभोजपर्युपास्तिप्रसादतः।
ज्योतिष्करण्डकं व्यक्तं विवृणोमि यथा(55)गमं ॥२॥ etc. Ends.-(text) fol. Iorb
कालणा(ण्णा)ण समासो पुवायरिएहि तीणिउ एसो। दिणकरपण(ण्ण)
त्तीओ सीसजणविबोहणद्व ?हाए)॥ ---(com.) fol. 102 a तेन परंपरया सर्वविन्मूलत्वादुपादेयमिदमवश्यं प्रेक्षावहि ज्योतिःकरण्डकामति ।