Jaina Literature and Philosophy
Ends.-fol. 2174 अथवा स्यमृ(?)तार्थस्य अनभिसबंधातस्याकर्म आचारेण संपन्नस्य
चतुर्थलूलोपचारिणप्रमादाचरितपंचम ( blank space followed by ) . तासे हू णे गलवणे मप्पातस्थितो शेषं तदवे ॥ छ ॥ इत्याचारचूर्णी(णिः)
परिसमाप्ता ॥ छ ॥छ ॥श्रीः ॥ etc., ग्रं. ८३००. N. B.-For further particulars see above.
Ācārāngasūtratīkā No. 11
1892-95. Size.-104 in. by 43 in. Extent.-313 folios ; I3 lines to a page; 45 letters to a line. Description.-Country paper, thin, rough and greyish ; Devanāgari
characters with eHTETTS; bold, big, legible and good handwriting; borders ruled in four lines in black ink, space between the pairs coloured red; foll. I and 313b blank; the unnumbered sides marked with a small disc in the centre in red ink; most of the numbered sides having over and above this, two more discs, one in each margin; red chalk used; foll. 65 and 66 wrongly numbered as 64 and 65; the first fol. slightly torn in the left-hand margin ; fol. 68 partly torn; strips of paper pasted to fol. 313b; condition on the whole satisfactory; composed in Saka 7983; complete;
extent 12000 ślokas. Age.-Samvat I579. Author.-Silanka Suri. Subject.-Commentary in Sanskrit to Acarangasutra. Begins.-fol. 1 नमः सर्वविदे॥ . . जयति समस्तवस्तुपर्यायविचारापास्ततीर्थिक
विहितैकैकतीर्थनयवादसमूहवशात(त्) प्रातीष्ट(ठि)तं । बहतिथ(विध)भंगास(द्धसिद्धांतविधनितमलमलीमसं
तीर्थमनादिनिधनगतमनुपममादिनतं जिनेश्वरैः ॥१ etc. Ends.--fol. 313* आचार्यश्रीशीलांग(क)विरचितायां आचारटीकायां द्वितीय श्रुत
स्कंधः परिसमाप्तः।। छ । समाप्तं चाचारांगमिति ॥ छ । ग्रंथानं १२०००